Chapter 11

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I woke up with a massive hangover. I thought my head was going to explode. I sat up and groaned loudly at the pounding.

I could hear Nash laughing at me from his room. Douche.

I got up and took a cold shower trying to wake myself up. It didn’t work.

I went into my room in nothing but at towel and screamed when I saw Nash sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing here?” I said impatiently.

“Our project is due Monday, and we’ve hardly worked on it. So get dressed and let’s get to work.”

I groaned. “There’s no need for shouting.”

I grabbed some clothes and got changed in the bathroom real quick. When I came back out Nash had a grim look on his face and was looking at my phone.

“What are you doing with my phone?” I squealed and grabbed it out of his hand.

He looked really embarrassed, “Sorry, Cameron texted you.”

I squealed again and sat down next to Nash. “Oh my god. Oh my god. He wants to go out tonight!”

Nash just said, “We should probably get to work on the project.”  What was his deal?

 So that’s what we did. We got to work on our project. It was getting closer and closer to 7 when Cameron was supposed to be picking me up so I had to kick Nash out. He was in a really bad mood and I had no idea what crawled up his ass.

I got ready and started at my clock waiting for it to say 7 o’clock. As it got closer I kept second guessing my outfit, so I decided I needed a second opinion. I was about to call up Maci until I remembered that we currently weren’t speaking, so instead I called over Nash.

He climbed in through my window like always and was speechless when he saw me. I hoped that was a good thing. “V… wow, just…wow.”

I smiled. It wasn’t so much what Nash said that made me feel good, but how he said it. He had a way of making simple words sound like the most beautiful words there were.

My phone rang with a text. “It’s from Cameron, he’s here. I better go,” I started to walk towards my door. 

“V, wait.” Nash said stopping me, “Just… be careful, ok? Don’t let Cameron make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked confused.

“It just means that I know Cameron, and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Then he kissed me on the check and climbed out of my window.

His words kept ringing through my head as I walked out to Cameron’s car. I got in the passenger seat and said, “Hey!”

He looked over at me and smiled, “Hey, Vi.” He was a sex god. As we drove to wherever he was taking me I couldn’t help think about how surreal this whole thing was.

We pulled up in front of some random house where a party appeared to be going on. So this was his idea of a…date? Maybe we were just stopping in for a sec so he could say hi?

“We’re here!” He beamed as he hopped out of the car. Apparently this WAS where our date was taking place. 

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