Chapter 3

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Dipper returned home from the store, with a not-so-warm welcoming from his grunkle: "Dipper! Get in here and start frying the bacon! You sister took all the good stuff away!"

Mabel shouted back, "It's for your own good!"

Waddles oinked back in agreement to her response.

Dipper walked into the kitchen and began to fry up the turkey bacon.

"Pretty bad weather today huh?" Mabel said. She had entered the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Yeah, it's pretty windy out there. I actually thought I lost my hat, but I found it in an alley way."

"That's good, because without this hat-" Mabel jumped up and took the hat off Dipper's head, "-you'd be your old self again!" Mabel laughed and ran around the kitchen.

"Hey! Give it back!" Dipper said as he playfully tried to retrieve his hat. After lots of running, he finally got it back and placed it on his head, only to have some rain water drip onto his face from the damp hat.

"What do you mean by 'my old self'?'" Dipper questioned.

"You know, that little nerdy boy back in California who didn't have many friends and never went to parties and was always studying and-"

"Ok, ok I get it!" Dipper interrupted.

But as much as he didn't want to admit it, this summer had changed Dipper, in a good way. In school, he was the loner boy who actually didn't have many friends and never really caught the attention of girls. He was always playing a video-game or had his face in a book. But this new Dipper had seen things and done things only the protagonists in his books would do; he fought gnomes, time traveled and defeated a bunch of wax figures (and would eventually meet a dream demon)! The only thing that didn't change was his love of books, except his new favorite book didn't have a title, unless the six-fingered hand and the big number three counted.

The only thing that Dipper didn't understand is what his sister and he would tell their parents when they got back. Would they tell the truth and be deemed crazy or "too imaginative", and get Stan in trouble? Or would they make up a big lie? Mabel wouldn't be good at that. Either way, they had more than a month before they returned to home, so neither of them ever thought about it much, especially with all the shenanigans in Gravity Falls.

"Ya know what?" Mabel said. "I've been sooo caught up in my boy crazy phase - anddon'tyoudaresaythatIjustadmittedit - but I think we need to find you a girlfriend!"

"What?! Nononono!" Dipper protested.

"Aww come on! It'll be fun! Besides, Wendy is gone. Sorry, but it's true."

"Yeah I know." Dipper said. "But I don't think a girlfriend is what I need right now."

"But Dipper!" Mabel said and stood by her brother. "They don't call me Match-Maker-Mabel for nothing!"

"Umm, nobody calls you that-"

"-Yes they do. So whaddya say huh? The worst that could happen is they say no."

"Are we talking human girl or creature girl?" Dipper asked as he subconsciously reached for the book in his vest.

"I have NO idea! Guess we'll just hafta wait and see!" Mabel happily said as she skipped out if the kitchen.

Dipper smiled and finished cooking the turkey bacon. He set the slices on a plate on the kitchen table. Stan came in and took some slices back to the yellow chair with him so he and Mabel could finish watching Duck-tective.

Dipper took a seat and began to think. "Well, I guess she's right about one thing; the worst that can happen is they say no." He took a piece of bacon and began to chew as he listened to the thunderstorm outside. "Well, at least that's the worst any human girl could do..."

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