Chapter 11

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Mabel ran down the street, ignoring the rain that was beginning to fall. The more she thought about what she did, the more tears filled her eyes. She stopped running and began to cry.
"What have I done?" she said.

"Are you saying that all this is your fault?" a familiar voice said. Mabel turned and saw Pacifica across the street, opening an umbrella. "Because, if this is your fault, you need to fix this, now!"

Mabel ran across the street to Pacifica. "It is my fault, and I'm really really sorry about it too." she said as she wiped her tears.

Pacifia realized that Mabel wasn't lying. That she really was sorry for everything. Suprisingly, Pacifica began to show empathy for Mabel. She put a hand on Mabel's shoulder. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I wasn't going to date Dipper anyway. For numerous reasons. I mean, for one, he's related to you." she said with a playful nudge.

Mabel chuckled a little bit. "Well, that's good I guess. But anyway, I do know how to fix it, I just need to get a tear drop from you."

"What? You want me to cry?"

"Need, not want."


"To fix everything! And if you don't help me, Dipper's going to love you no matter what, forever!"

"As in, forever forever?!" Pacifica said with worry in her voice.


Pacifica thought for a bit, then let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll help you. But I don't know how you"re going to be able to keep a tear drop."

Mabel whipped out a little vial, that she found in Soos' room from her sweater. "Will this work?" Pacifica roller her eyes.

"Alrighty, time to cry." Pacifica said. "Uhmm, thinking sad thoughts. Uhmm, dead puppy, not being rich," the tears started to form, "Not being beautiful, not being a fashionista," her words became choked up with tears.

"Come on!" Mabel said. She unscrewed the cork from the vial and held it close to Pacifica's cheek.

"Not having a limo, no servants, no body guards, loosing to you, and having to date Dipper!" She said as she began to cry.

Tears fell down her face and Mabel caught a few in the vial.

"Got em! You can stop crying now." she said.

"No I can't!" Pacifica said. "Now my makeup's ruined!" she said as she ran down the street, finally being able to go home after a very confusing day.

Mabel headed back to the alley way, where she found the girls leaning against, from her point of view, the right wall and Dipper, with his head hung low, sitting against the left wall from them. His hat covered his face, but Mabel could still see the tear stains on his cheek.

Mabel motioned for the girls to stay quiet. They nodded in understanding.

Mabel sat down next to her twin. "Hi." she said.

Dipper turned his head away from her, revealing a bright red cheek. "What do you want?" he said in a very depressing tone.

"I have what we need to reverse the curse. We can get you back to normal now." she said.

Dipper sighed. "But I love Pacifica." he said.

"No you don't" Mabel said back.

Dipper looked at his sister, "You're just in our way is all."

"Dipper, listen to me. She doesn't like you and you don't like her. It's all an illusion! You're under a spell remember?"

Dipper stood up, his voice now loud enough for Candy and Grenda to hear. "I have to go see her!"

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