Chapter 4

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   Later that night, Mabel was laying on her bed and petting Waddles, who was sleeping peacefully. Dipper came into the bedroom and - no surprise - was reading the journal.

   "Don't you think we should at least try to find a human girl for you first?" Mabel said. "Who's to say the only way to date some fairy princess is to first give up an arm!"

   "I'm not reading about girls Mabel." Dipper shot back. He closed the book and placed it by the lamp. "Besides, after your little Ricky incident at that pool Stan took us to in the middle of nowhere, I don't know if this is such a good idea. Like the book says, 'trust no one'."

   "Ugh, you're such a boob, ya know that?"


   There was an awkward silence between the two. The rain gave a soft pitter-patter on the window.

   "But hey," Dipper said, "I really do appreciate the idea of you finding someone for me. It's nice. No one gives me the time of day like my own sister." Dipper smiled.

   "You're welcome, goober." Mabel said with a smile.

   "Speaking of relationships, I'm surprised you haven't found your vampire boyfriend yet."

   "OMG! I know right!" Mabel sat up and reached for the book and began flipping pages. "There's gotta be something in here about vampires! There's got to!"

   Dipper giggled as he watched his sister frantically search the book. Dipper was 99% sure there wasn't any information about vampires in there. A giant vampire bat  or a zombie, were the next closest things.

   "Haunted doors, gnomes, some weird pyramid guy, witches, but nothing about vampires! Why are there so many blank pages?! Are you kidding me?" She slammed the book closed.

   "Better luck next time."

   "Yeah well, love comes to Mabel. I guess I'll just have to wait." She laid on her back and tucked her hands behind her head. "It's only a matter of time before I can gaze at the stars with a handsome blood-sucking parasite."

   "I thought you liked vampires, not mosquitoes." Dipper teased.

   "Oh be quiet." Mabel tucked herself in. "I'm going to bed now. Good night!"

   Dipper got under his covers and turned out the light. "Good night."


   Mabel never really fell asleep.

   She waited until she could hear her brother's deep sleep breathing to get up. She grabbed the book from off the table and took a flashlight. She crept down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door.

   She flicked on the flashlight and opened the book. She took a seat on the floor.

   She searched and searched and searched. There had to be some useful information in there somewhere!

   Finally, something caught her eye. "Omigosh!" she whispered. "This is it! This is perfect!"

   She smiled and closed the book and turned off the flashlight. She snuck back into bed and fell asleep with and excitedly devious smile on her face.

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