Chapter 7

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The next morning, Mabel woke up and noticed Dipper was still sleeping. Waddles was sleeping on the foot of her bed. She suddenly remembered what her to-do list inquired for that day. Her stomach became filled with butterflies. She thought to herself, "It's okay Mabel. She's a nice witch. Dipper's gonna get a girlfriend and everything will be just fine."

Dipper yawned and opened his eyes. He was greeted with a wave from Mabel, who was now sitting up on her bed. "Hey Mabel." Dipper said in a morning whisper. "So, today's the day."

"Yeah. I guess it is."

Dipper sat up. "Don't get me wrong Mabel, I am excited, but I'm pretty nervous too. Witches can be extremely tricky sometimes."

"I know. But hey, once we get to her lair or whatever, you can always pass the offer. We haven't paid her anything yet."

"True, true."

Then there was silence. After contemplating things in their own minds, they each got dressed and went downstairs where Grunkle Stan was watching TV and eating a bowl of cereal.

"Mornin kids! Sorry, I'm out of pancake batter, but help yourself to some cereal."

"That's ok." Dipper said. "I'm not very hungry."

"Me either." said Mabel.

Stan became worried, "You kids feelin alright? Do I need to take you to a doctor?"

"No, I'm sure we'll be fine," Dipper insisted.

"Well that's good. Doctor's cost a lot of money." Stan said, then he went back to watching Baby Fights.

The twins headed outside and sat on the porch. The sky was cloudy and gray, but it had stopped raining since yesterday.

"So... What time do you think we should go?" Mable asked her brother.

"Why don't we go now? Might as well get it over with, right?"

"Okay. Let's go." and they headed for town.

Mabel was pretty sure she remembered where the alley was, but Dipper followed the map in the book just to be sure. When they arrived at the alley, Dipper was overcome with deja-vu. "I've been here before."

"You have?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah! That day I went to get turkey bacon for you, my hat was blown away, and it ended up here. Maybe Madam Margie picked it up for me."

"See? She's nice."

"Well, how do we get in? There's nothing here but bricks."

"Madam Margie!" Mabel said to the wall. "It's me, Mabel! I brought my brother Dipper. Umm, can we come in?"

The twins were answered by a whisper saying "Please enter."

Dipper took Mabel's hand as she led him through the brick wall. Once they were inside Madam Margie's house, Dipper let out a gasp in awe at the decor. Madam Margie, in her same apparel, came over to the twins.

"Welcome back sweet Mabel. It is nice to finally meet you Dipper."

"Nice to meet you too." he responded.

"Now, I understand that you need a girlfriend mister Dipper. I made a potion for you that can do just the trick. Follow me." She led them to the table with the crystal ball. On it sat the spell book, still open to the heart-filled page. Next to the book was a little vile filled with pink liquid. Madam Margie held the vile up and handed it to Dipper, who immediately inspected it.

"Dipper," Madam Margie said, "If you drink this, it is certain you will find love. However, it is unclear exactly who this might be or how long it will take them to love you in return, or even if they love you at all. This drink is harmless, but if the spell is not reversed within three days of use, the spell will be permanent and you will forever obsess over the one who you think you love. "

Dipper's mind was racing. He was excited because he might fall in love with Wendy, but it could also make him fall in love with someone he has never met before. Dipper took a glance at the spell book and read the title out loud, "Love is Blind. Why is it called that?"

"You'll see." is all Madam Margie said.

The twins both looked at the vile in Dipper's hand. "Are you gonna drink it?" Mabel whispered.

"I'm not sure." Dipper whispered back.

"My dear children." Madam Margie spoke, "Why do you fear my magic so? The only fault in this potion is you, dear boy, will have found love before high school!" and she let out a very witchy laugh.

"What do we owe you in return?" Dipper asked.

"Ahh, smart child." Madam Margie said. She headed over to the book shelf and got down a huge black book titled Reverse the Curse. She turned it to a page titled Love is Blind. "The only think you have to give me is if you need to undo the spell before the third day."

"What would that be?" Dipper asked.

"Out of these ingredients, I am missing three of them; beard hair of a gnome, the string of a guitar, and a tear of the ex."

"Tear of the ex?" Mabel asked.

"The person whom Dipper falls in love with."

"Ohhhh." Mabel said. Then she grinned knowing that she already had gnome hair, she knew Robbie played the guitar, so all she would need is the tear from Dipper's new girl.

"So technically, the potion is free, unless you want to be-rid of my spell."

The twins nodded. Dipper looked down at the potion, then up at his sister. He took a deep breath and popped the cork out. He took a whiff of the liquid, but could smell nothing. "Well, cheers." he said, then he drank the whole potion.

"How do you feel?" Mabel asked.

"Fine actually." But as soon as Dipper answered, he dropped the vile, his eyes turned completely black, and he fell to the floor.

"Dipper!!" Mabel shouted. She ran to her brother and lifted his head up. "What did you do to my brother?!" She yelled at the witch.

"Oh don't worry darling! Don't worry! He'll wake up in an hour and his first instinct will be to search for his love. His eyes are just a part of the spell. When he finds his love, they will turn pink."

Mabel had tears in her eyes. Luckily, Dipper wasn't that heavy; she picked him up and headed towards the exit wall. Madam Margie followed behind her. Before helping her through, she whispered in a normal voice. "Believe me, my power is nothing like a demons." and pushed her through.

"Wait, what?" Mabel asked, but it was too late. She looked down at her limp brother. "This better work." She said aloud, and began walking home.

Once again, a whisper called out behind her, assuring her "The potion will work dear, just you wait."

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