Chapter 10

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Pacifica pulled away in disgust, and shock, all while trying to hide the blush on her face "You're even weirder than your sister!" she screamed as she ran off.

Dipper didn't try to catch her again. He felt accomplished enough.

"Dipper! How could you?" Candy said in a disappointed tone.

He looked at the two girls. He still had a smug smile on his face.

"Mabel's not gonna be too happy about this." Grenda said, almost as a threat.

Dipper's smile disappeared, but then came back. "Pffft, Mabel can be mad all she wants. What's done is done. Although, I'm still not a hundred percent sure if she's my girlfriend or not, but hey, I got a kiss out of it!"

"Dipper! This isn't you! This isn't you at all!" Candy said.

"Seriously. We need to get you back to normal, ASAP!" Grenda added.

"But this is me! I am in love with Pacifica, and she WILL be mine!" he said as he let out a maniacal laugh. "And the best part is," he walked closer to the girls, "there's nothing you can do about it." he whispered. And with that, he began heading back to the Shack.

Suddenly, he was pinned to the ground by Grenda. "You're not going anywhere until you're back to normal!"

"No! Get off me!" Dipper complained.

The girls then each took and arm and began dragging him to the location Mabel told them to go once they captured him.


After Mabel told the girls to go fetch Dipper and bring him to this certain alley way, she immediately went to get the three ingredients to reverse the curse.

She thought out loud while briskly walking to the Shack, "Gnome beard hair, a guitar string, and a tear drop from Pacifica. Well, I have some beard hair in my scrap book, and I'm sure Robbie has an old or broken string I could have. Madam Margie didn't say it had to be in good shape. The hardest part would be getting Pacifica to cry."

As soon as she got home, she rushed upstairs to get her photo album. Luckily, the gnome beard hair was still there. "Yes! Now for Robbie's guitar string." she tucked the hair into her sweater pocket.

While running back down the stairs, she accidentally ran into Soos and fell down.

"Oops! Sorry dude!" then he laughed. "It's actually kinna funny! First Dipper, now you! Speaking of Dipper, did he ever find that book he was after?'

"Yeah, I had it all along. But Soos, I could actually use your help."

"Sure Hambone, what's up?"

"Well, long story short, Dipper needs my help and I need to get a guitar string. Do you know how to get to Robbie's house? He plays guitar so I figured..."

"Hmm, you know, I don't think you need to go that far out of the way. I think there might be some guitar strings in my break room."

"Really?!" Mabel said hopefully.

"Sure. I mean, I got lots of junk in there! I'm thinking about starting my own show called 'Fixin it with Soos' so who knows what I'll need!"

"Soos you're the best!" Mabel said as they both headed to Soos' beak room.

They rummaged and rummaged till Soos found a pack of strings. "Will these work?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!"

"No prob dude. Have fun helping your brother or whatever."

"I'll try!" Mabel said as she ran out of the Shack and back on the street. Now all she needed to do was find Pacifica and get her to cry.


Candy and Grenda had finally reached the alley way. It took longer than expected due to Dipper's constant squirming and complaining.

"Guys!" Mabel called out while running up to her friends and a grumpy Dipper.

"Guys, I got the first two things I needed, now I just need Pacifica to cry."

"Ooo! Ooo! Can I do it?!" Grenda said excitedly.

"As much fun as that sounds, no, sorry, I need to do this on my own. I started this mess and I need to get us out of it."

"What mess? There's no mess!" Dipper said. "Besides, I'm sure Pacifica enjoyed the kiss! She'll fall in love with me in no ti-"

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait! What did you say?" Mabel said, completely thrown off guard.

Dipper grinned. "I kissed Pacifica."

Mabel's face became red and her hands clenched to fists. The girls let go of Dipper's arms, afraid for their own well being now. No one had ever seen Mabel this upset before. All three kids became scared.

"Umm, Mabel?..." Candy said.

Mabel blew up in Dipper's face. "YOU DID WHAT?! YOU KISSED HER?! DIPPER YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE HER LET ALONE LOVE HER!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!" and for the first time in her life, she hit her brother.

The girls gasped as Dipper fell to the ground. He looked up at his sister, tears stained his eyes, and hers as well.

"What kind of a brother are you?!" she said in a quiet voice. She began running down the street.

Dipper stayed where he was. He put a hand on his cheek where Mabel smacked him. He didn't know what to do now. He wasn't even exactly sure why she did what she did.

Everyone was quiet. The only sound now was the sound of another rain shower beginning.

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