Chapter 5

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The next morning, Mabel came skipping into the kitchen, a bit too optimistic for the morning's rainy and gray forecast. "Hello beautiful family! How are you guys? Waddles is still sleeping, so be quiet. Mmm what's that smell? Grunkle Stan's pancakes?"

"Uhh, yes?" the boys answered in sync. They gave each other confused looks.

"What's up with all the happiness?" Dipper asked. "I mean, you usually are a happy person, but this is kinna weird."

"Nonsense Dipper." she giggled. "Everything is fantastic! Everything is fabulous!"

The family ate their breakfast and Mabel ate hers rather fast. When she was finished, she belched and asked if she could go into town. When Stan asked why, she simply said "Because I can." and without another word, she got dressed in her typical sweater and skirt combo, complete with a headband. She grabbed an umbrella and headed out into town with the journal hidden in her sweater.


Still smiling, Mabel walked down the empty streets of the town. When she was sure no one was looking, she pulled out the book, turned to a page and began to read; "Witches have been known for their so-called 'evil' magic powers. While this is true, some witches are actually just trying to help people. Madame Margie is the witch I recommend if you are having life struggles, however, she will want something in return, so make sure you are willing to pay the price for her magic. Also, never, ever, EVER, take her magic for someone else without their consent. Most witches have gone into hiding, but luckily I have been able to track a few." and at the bottom of the page written in dark black ink, it said "ONLY USE WITCHES AS AN ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT!"

Mabel turned the page. There was a map with color coded trails leading to the different witches in Gravity Falls. There were two in the town and one deep in the woods and another close to the outskirts of town. Madame Margie was one of the townies. Mabel followed the blue path on the map, but when she arrived at her destination, she was confused; the map had led her to an alley. "Dead end? This can't be right." Mabel said as she looked at the walls, searching for a hidden door or some incantation she had to say, but nothing appeared.

"Hello?" Mabel said to the alley. "I know Madame Margie is here somewhere. I need some help." There was a long silence and Mabel looked at the book again. She sighed and tucked it away and was going to head home. She turned to leave the alley, but a soft voice whispered, "Stay"

Mabel turned around. "Who's there?"

The voice answered, "I am here. Step closer to the wall." So Mabel took some steps towards the back brick wall.

When she was close enough, an arm reached out and grabbed her around the waist, Mabel screamed as she was pulled through the brick wall and into what looked like a living room. The walls were red and various brown-ish rugs were spread out on the floor. Purple curtains were hung from the ceiling as doorways. The only lighting was the lighting from candles that were placed on tables that were, again, randomly placed through out the loft. In the middle of the room was one round table with a crystal ball on it.

Mabel looked to her left and saw a huge shelf filled with books and bottles and jugs, each filled with strange liquids or items.

"Welcome." the strange voice said. Mabel looked to her right and sitting on a tethered orange couch sat a girl about Wendy's age, dressed like a gypsy. She had long black hair and wore a dark green long-sleeved shirt with a brown asymmetrical skirt with gold beads dangling from the end. She had on many gold bangles and big golden hoop earrings. Her nails were painted sparkly gold and she had the common 'gypsy' accent.

"Are you Madame Margie?" Mabel asked the strange woman.

"Indeed I am. I'm surprised you have heard of me. Not many have ventured to seek the help of a witch. You must be very special little lady. Either that or very desperate."

Mabel was tempted to tell her the map in the book brought her here, but she decided against it. She pondered. "If you're a witch, why do you dress like a gypsy?"

"People are not kind to 'witches', but a gypsy seems less, how you say, dangerous."

"Ohh, so a disguise in case an unwanted guest comes or something?"

The witch got off the couch and placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder, "Precisely my dear. These streets are not kind to anything that's different." Her accent gave way and in a normal, eerie voice she whispered, "Everyone has their secrets." and with that she headed over to the bookcase. Mabel followed close behind, almost scared.

"Now, what is it I can do for you dear?" the witch asked, accent back.

"Oh, right. Well," Mabel began, "My brother is pretty lonely and he doesn't seem to want to find a relationship, but I feel like if he had someone to care for and someone who cares for him, besides his sister - that's me - then he'd feel better about himself and not have to constantly-" Mabel caught herself. She would've said "keep his head in that book and search for mystical creatures 24/7." but it was not safe.

"Not what dear?" Madame Margie asked.

"Not have to, uhh, not be so alone." Mabel sad.

"I see." the witch said suspiciously. "Well, first thing's first, are you sure your brother is okay with this, what's your name?"

"I'm Mabel. My brother is Dipper."

"Is Dipper okay with you giving him a spell?"

"I don't see why he wouldn't be. It's for his own good.'

"Well, I have just the thing for these young love troubles." Madame Margie took down a dark red book off the shelf and set it on the crystal ball table. She opened to a page that had hearts doodled all over it. "Here it is. I can fix this potion and if your brother drinks it, he'll see nothing but love."

"But will he find a girlfriend?"

"You better believe it my dear. Once he sees a girl that's beautiful - that he's not blood related to of course- he will not be able to resist her."


"This spell will take about a day to be finished, so why don't you come back tomorrow with your brother, my sweet?"

"Sounds like a plan! I'll see you tomorrow!" Mabel said. She then looked around the room, not sure how to leave. The witch smiled a rather charming smile and led Mabel to the correct wall. She placed a hand on Mabel's back and gently pushed her through.

Mable was back out in the rainy alley way. She put up her umbrella and began to head back to the shack, when a faint call came from the alley way, telling her to, "come again".

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