Chapter 5: Flashback 10 years ago - Part two

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Flashback 10 years ago - Part two

          Ginger sits still frozen and too shy to move, while Philip is still teasing her. And here came Lindalee as she interrupted their interesting awkward conversations.

          "Heyyy! You look like Couples! And who is this lucky boy? Huh, who the heck are you?" Lindalee teased them two and she is glaring strangely at Philip and switching her look to Ginger making it more awkward to the two of them.

          "Hey nice to meet you I'm Philip James but just call me James or Philip, or whatever.... and she... is just my friend!" Philip just avoids in being rude to Lindalee because he must act very formal in front of Ginger and most especially in front of her friends so that there is a time that her friends will convince Ginger to date Philip. Well, that's what he thinks.

          "Your friend?! Oh cmon! OUR FRIEND! You are starting to know our friend, but.... just take care of her." Lindalee gave Philip a strange look with a joking smile because all in their group protects Ginger very well. But Ginger is still blushing at them.

           "Oh I know you now, you are that Roswall kid! We know you, buddy! ha ha ha!"

           "Oh? really? What about me?" Philip nervously answered.

           "Nothing nothing you are just mentioned a lot by Frederica and Natalya."

           "hmm okay. You girls don't even notice me."

           "Why do we need to notice you? We just always see you everywhere."  Lindalee asked raising her right eyebrow.

And they headed back now meeting Natalya halfway towards their path and Ginger just looked backward towards Philip while being grabbed by Lindalee holding her hand hurrying.
       "Wait! I have something to sayy! Ginger, wait!" 
       They ignored Philip calling her even Ginger ignored because of the distance that they already rushed their way to their classrooms. And in a far view, Philip just saw Natalya pointing at him while talking to Lindalee and Ginger.

      "C'mon now bro!" Erwin appeared at Philip's side dragging him to go to their respective classes.
       "We're gonna be late!"

They hurried to class and Philip can't say a word and he keeps on looking backward to Ginger's path. But they're gone now. The look on Philip's face is blushing and smiling overjoy.

   The next day, Every thirty minutes of their lunch break, Philip is searching everywhere in the school campus even in the courtyard for Ginger but no signs of her even the girls. He even asked Ryan where did they go or been, he even has no clue, But Philip just thinks that she is just doing fine. Three days passed still no sign of her, even the girls he keeps on asking Jerome and Ryan because they had the most contact with the girls, but still have no clue. He even looks at their building next to their building but none shows off but their batch mates which are the juniors are there, except for them. Philip is now quite anxious and puzzled regarding that he is being avoided by Ginger or the girls are taking Ginger away from Philip and he just feel a little confused, because he didn't do anything stupid for the girls or Ginger will avoid him, but now he is worried, until Michael and Charles noticed him frowning while sitting beside them in class.

     Does Philip love her already? Or just sudden infatuation? He misses her smile her voice her cuteness, he also thinks that she is just sitting nearby the table in the school cafeteria next to them but it's just his imagination.

     "Hey dude, are you okay? These past few days you feel like a lonely goat, even we are with you" Charles pats Philip's shoulder. But Philip can't do any sudden action.

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