Chapter 10: The Movie Date

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Philip just woke up in an inn they slept, surprised, he noticed that Sophia is still sleeping beside him while being clenched tightly by her arms she is sleeping like a Goddess with rosy cheeks and a peaceful slumber. He got up as he was released from her embrace, it is already 9 am in the morning he doesn't know what to do with her but to wake her up and get some breakfast, she is too tired as well, they need to head off so that Philip can prepare for his work tomorrow, even Sophia as well.

He needs to wake her up to pack out, slowly, Philip touches her cheeks while waking her up until shaking her but nothing happens, maybe she's dreaming and he also can't believe that he slept with her but it's okay because they're all adults and as long as he didn't do something wrong to her, she is just drunk that's why she grasps into Philip's body.

He doesn't like her that much, but very close to infatuation, he just can't understand his feelings for Sophia but when she sleeps, she is a princess waiting for a kiss, wait a second, that reminds him of a Disney film, so he just can't hesitate but to lean his head towards her preparing TO KISS HER in the cheeks to wake up he is like playing a prank on her his lips is close to her now until-

"Waiiit! Stop it! I'm waking up! Damn, I have a headache I can't move." Sophia Suddenly woke up, maybe she saw that all along that Philip is going to kiss her.

"Ohhhh look I was going to remove the fly from your face, just don't think about it you know." Philip chuckled as he lied, but his intention was to kiss her.

"I don't know, but nice try pal, don't you ever include me on your kiss list!" Sophia awkwardly says as she blushes and holding her smile. Philip doesn't have a clue if Sophia Likes him or not but he already likes her the time he met her in his Apartment in some weird circumstances. Philip doesn't have a type of Sophia before but, she is always what he sees his eyes are just set on her.

They are already dressed and prepared, leaving the inn as they stepped towards the facade of the Vintage Inn near the entrance, they suddenly thought about what they did last night WITHOUT MALICE but for some other judgemental people, there is Malice, New York is a Sin city it is a city Full of malice, but in this District, Notting Hill District just in Manhattan this is a Vintage place, relaxing, romantic, aesthetic, full of pastel colors is a lot more different than Brooklyn.

"Don't ever tell anyone about us Okay?" Sophia bites her lower lip while saying that it is a secret, she is pissed yet, ashamed and In LOVE?

"Hmmm What about it?"

"Hmmm Nothing nevermind!" Sophia Quitted the awkward conversation, they left the Inn Philip is going home preparing for his work tomorrow, Sophia is on the way to her work as a Senior Graphic Artist, her schedule is Midday to Evening,

"Philip, I'm going to say something," Sophia asked straight to the point.

"What is it?"

"Take me home tonight!" Sophia being straightforward, smiled at Philip with blushing cheeks and large round eyes sparkling.

"What? I--I am just going to ask you the same question, You can just knock on my door we're living in the same Apartment anyway."

"Exactly! Let's hang out! Let's watch some Michael Bay film, or Even Netflix and some chill."

"Ha ha ha! What a perfect hangout! Sure that's my type of date." Philip agreed without any other word.

"Really?! hmmm Okay then we can watch Multiverse you know some Film about a Nerd Falling in love with an Alien, A Nerd like you."

"Hmmmm I'm not a nerd, I just Wear Glasses."

"Whatever. We'll just watch Pearl Harbour, Game of Thrones, or maybe just Netflix series."


"Okay! I'll knock to your door at 7 pm, I'll be off from work within 6."

Later 5 pm:

Philip is already resting laying in bed and thinking about some random things especially those things that happened lately. He is thinking about his sudden admiration to Sophia, on why he suddenly liked her, Well it's simple he like her because she is a fan of some random things the like in life such as anime, cartoons, games, music, movies.... They had a lot in common even though they believe that opposite really attracts so it doesn't really matter, he like her for who she is.

He needs to prepare for their 'Movie Date' so he set up the snacks, cook popcorns, and eat dinner, he cleans the place, sweeps all the dust and cobwebs he needs to exert more effort in cleaning the place.

He now heads to the shower to freshen up and after that, he puts on his laptop for playing while waiting. The Game was called House of the Iron Rose which he will play as a Soviet Commander during the WWII retrieving a Top secret from the Nazis known as the Iron Rose. The game is a third person shooting game, action, role-playing, and adventure.

This game is very addictive Philip doesn't even know what time it is, he checked at the clock, it is already 6:30 pm well at least he is already done with the chores, he checks the door if there was someone knocking but there's not. He tries chatting Sophia but she is offline and he heads back to his game.

Several Minutes passed: "Yoohooo, Why don't you even Invited me to play?" Philip was surprised as his heartbeat jumped and he also jumped and It was Sophia speaking to him in a slow seductive tune despite her boyishness, Without a trace, Sophia suddenly appeared on Philip's side well dressed casually, she smells good you know, like the smell of baby's perfume and she's on her makeup. Philip wonders how Sophia entered his apartment although there was no knock and the door is also Locked.

"Remember? It's like before, I just sneaked into your bedroom window ha ha ha." Sophia Chuckled

"Dammit! You sneak! Please don't do that again. You might fall!"

"Forget that I'm fine after all, we're just windows apart. And you're the one who's going to catch me if I fall ha ha ha." Sophia joked after pinching Philip's cheek.

"he he he Cut it out, so let's Netflix and chill now." Philip is overjoyed wondering that the girl likes him too even if Philip just admires Sophia, and he is now falling in love.

Philip holds Sophia's hand as he led her to the couch in front of the Center table full of snacks such as nachos, popcorn, juice, red wine, a large bowl of Caesar's salad. Philip turns on the video player and reaches to Sophia the rack full of blu-ray dvd movies, she chooses between Troy and The fault in our Stars but she is more of an action lover so she chooses Troy and to see her hollywood crush, Brad Pitt.

Philip reaches for the bowl of nachos and dip as they Enjoy the movie, Sophia holds Philip's hand as the thrill begins.

After the Movie, Sophia suggests a Horror film before the film starts Sophia hugged Philip because in every horror movie she might be terrified in every scene Philip hid his eyes in Sophia's dress at the back but she pushed him away.

"Okay you pervert are you scared?" Sophia teased.

"What? No I'm preparing for jump scares!"

To ignore the horror they just conversed to each other.

It's getting late. Sophia must be heading home to her apartment.

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