Chapter twenty

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Lauren's P.O.V

I slam the van door open and storm inside the hotel, ignoring the fans who actually look mad as well. They ship Y/n and I, so them seeing my no lips ex boyfriend hanging out with her probably makes them mad. I swear if he's trying anything on my girlfriend I will kick him in his vagina.

I see Austin by the desk, "Hey girls. I tried going up to the room but they wouldn't let me. " He says and I walk up to the elvator, ignoring him. I hear Ally's heels click against the floor as she runs up to me.

"Lauren, please. You know how your anger issues get. Do not make a scene, there is paparazzi and fans outside." She tells me, I press the elevator button as I clench my jaw "Babe do something. She's going to beat his ass if we don't stop her" Ally whispers

"Yo, Lauren. Get ready." Dinah smirks, I look to see that were almost to our floor "Ready for what?" I chuckle, she takes off her jacket and hands it to Ally "To beat his ass." She giggled and the doors open, we walk out. I jog up to my room and hear him talking, I swipe my card and open the door.

"Hey, babe." Y/n weakly says, getting up from the bed. "Hey dork, all you have is green tea." Brad says unaware of my presence, y/n giggles while I clench my jaw and the girls walk in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dinah asks making him look up, his eyes widen "What? Why are you here?" He asked and I clench my fist "Well for your information, y/n is my girlfriend." I told him, he looks at Y/n with a jealous look then frowns.

"Oh." Is all he says, "Babe, be nice." Y/n whispers, "Well I'm gonna go, I'll pick you up around 8 tomorrow." He chuckles and she nods, "Boi, bye. Getcho no lip looking ass out of here." Dinah says making the girls giggle, he hugs y/n and kisses her cheek. 'Ew, she has to disinfect her cheek now.' I thought, I shove him away and he stumbles.

"Why are you girls so mean too me?" He asked, we all laugh except y/n. "Because you're a asshole." I say, push him towards the door, "Now get out before I beat your ass again." I warned, he shakes his head and opens the door.

"Bye, Brad." Y/n waves as he walks out, I turn to look at her "What are you doing hanging out with him?" I ask her, she goes and lays back down "We're friends, Lauren. We met on the plane when I first came to meet you." She explained

"I don't want you talking to him." I told her and she glared at me "Why? He's my friend!" She yelled, getting up from the bed. "Lauren we're gonna leave." Ally said, I look to see them leaving but Normani stayed for a little while, she loves drama.

"No, he's not. He's only hanging out with you because he wants to get with you since he's my ex." I say "He's your ex?" She asked, I guess he didn't tell her. "Yes and he's an asshole, please don't hang out with him." I said and she rubs her head.

"Lauren, why don't you trust me?" She asked, her voice cracking and her lip quivers. My heart aches when I see that she's about to cry. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just know him and his intentions." I say and she sighs, sitting on the bed while tears slide down her cute chubby cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask, she sniffles "I need to tell you something." She mumbles, I kneel down in front of her and grab ahold of her small, warm hands. "What is it, baby?" I ask, she takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, I feel like as a train just hit me. I just stare at her stomach in shock, I'm gonna be a mom. I'm only 20 for fuck sake.

My girlfriend is pregnant with my child, im freaking out. I haven't even met her parents yet and she hasn't met mine! What are her parents going to think?

Oh yeah, they're probably going to be really mad that I got their 18 year old daughter pregnant and they're probably going to think I'm a freak since I have a dick.

"Please say something." She said, caressing my cheek.

"I don't know what to say" I admit, standing up.

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking up at me.

"I'm not ready to be a parent, I mean we haven't even met each others parents yet, what are they going to think of me?"

"Why are you saying, Lauren?" She whispers, more tears sliding down her cheeks. My heart breaks at the sight,

"That we can't be with each other anymore, I'm breaking up with you." I told her, she sobs and lays back, her small belly bump peaking threw the bottom of her shirt. I look away not wanting to see the girl of my life crying because I hurt her.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." I apologized, she sits up and looks at me dead in the eye.

"Is this what you really want? If so just know that I never want to see you again." She cries, instead of answering I just walk out of the room. I hear more crying coming from her.

I think I just made the worst decision of my life.


Welp, Lauren left Y/n.

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