chapter sixty five

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Your P.O.V

Right now I'm busy crying my eyes out in the bathroom while Harry went out to pick up his suits and i should be getting my makeup done but instead I'm in the bathroom curled up in the bath tub.

I didn't want to let her go but it was the best thing I could do, I finally thought about myself for once. I sniffle and wipes my eyes before getting up to the mirror looking at myself, gosh I look like shit even though I'm wearing my dress, I should've have never even said yes to be his date, I'm over here in London far away from my family when I should be there, I can't focus on anything.

I miss her

"Princess, where are you?" I hear him call out, "She's in the bathroom, Mr. Styles. Sounds like she's crying." One of the ladies told him, soon I hear in knocking on the door "Baby, let me in." He says and jiggles the knob, I get up unlocking the door, I see him stand there with a distraught look while his chest heaving up and down heavily, a few hairs sticking up and his green eyes look down at me.

"Are you alright, darling?" He asked, I begin crying and he closes the door then immediately scooped me up and sits down on the edge of the bath tub. "I miss her, Harry." I say threw sobs, I see a hurt expression on his face again so I buried my face into his neck.

"I know you do, darling but please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry." He says while rubbing my back, "I dunno what to do anymore, I loved her but she didn't love me. I sometimes just want to kil-" He cuts me off by lifting my head up so I'm forced to look at him.

"No, don't ever think that. You're perfect, Y/n. If she doesn't love you forget her, there's other people that love you. Your mum, brother and sister, the girls, the fans and the boys." He says and wiped my tears "I love you." He finally says with a small smile.

"Please don't ever hurt yourself, princess. You're the most beautiful girl my eyes ever landed on, sometimes you amaze me with your beauty. Like when saw you in that dress I couldn't believe how pretty you were." He spoke softly and grabbed my hand, his hands were warm which kinda soothed me.

"Now no more crying and let's enjoy tonight." He said wiping the last of my tears we stood up and walk back out to finish getting ready. The ladies did my make up while Harry was putting on his suit, "Aye, the king has arrived!" Zayn busted threw the door followed by the rest of the boys.

"Shut up, mate. Y/n is here!" Niall point at me and Zayn slowly turned around, he blushes then runs off to the bathroom "Hi, Y/n. You look beautiful." Liam says while I kiss his cheek, Niall shoves him away and hugs me tightly, Louis laughs "Hoi! Mate, my turn." Niall let's go and I hug Louis. "You look amazing." He pulls away and smiles.

Zayn comes out with a smirk "Hi, beautiful. How are you?" He says while he rests his hands on my waist, "I'm good, how about you?" I replied and he shrugged "So are we all ready?" Harry asks, I nod and walk towards him leaving Zayn all confused.

Harry grabs my hand as we exit the room and the boys are walking behind us, "You look fabulous, princess." He chuckles while pressing the down button on the elevator "You both are a cute couple." Liam says and I smile "Not really she'd be good with me." Zayn says with a shrug. "We're not dating." I said making them shut up.

We enter the elevator and go down to the lobby, I panic once I see fans outside, "I-i can't go out there, Harry." I say and he looks at me, "I got you ok? I won't let go." He said, the guards open door and I hear the screaming fans, We quickly walk out and into the van with no big deal. I sat in the back between Harry and Zayn which is awkward because I know that they fight over me.

Several minutes later we pull up to this big building, "She's my date, I'm taking her." Zayn speaks up making Harry glare at him "No, I asked her before you. Now fuck off, Malik" He said and I grab his hand trying to calm him down "After this I'll be your date to the after party." I said to Zayn, he smiles and nods while Harry rolls his eyes mumbling something under his breath,

"Ok, there's gonna be asshole paparazzi. Don't pay attention to them, Y/n" Liam says before opening the door, we all step out but Niall trips falling on his face. I feel Harry grab my hand and I'm immediately blinded by the flashes as we all make our way to the red carpet.

"Boys look over here!" They kept yelling, Harry pulls me closer to him and rest his hand on my waist, they snap photos then we move along. "My eyes hurt, babe." I whisper in his ear, "You'll have to get use to it, darling. I'm sorry I didn't bring any glasses." He says while kissing my hand, I see more flashes go off and fans screaming "Hey Harry who's the girl!?" The fans ask as he signed some photos.

"My date, hopefully you don't hate her because she's absolutely adorable." He said and they squeal "We would never do that but we're so happy for you!" They said making him smile, "Zayn, you're amazing!" One of them yell and Zayn smiles.

The guards tell us to move along, as we walk I see Liam, Niall and Zayn pick up my dress since it was dragging while Louis makes sure I'm ok, they're so nice. Who ever marries them are extremely lucky (A/n: I haven't watch the movie so don't bitch at me if I get some things wrong lol)

"And look who we have here, it's Harry styles and the rest of One direction!" A interviewer said as we walked by but she stops us "How are you boys doing?" She asks, Harry smiles and squeezes my hand softly "I'm alright, very excited about the movie." He said and she holds the microphone up to all of us.

"And who's this?" She asks referring to me, I gulp and standing up straight "Uh this is my beautiful best friend, y/n." Harry answers for me, the girls wiggles her eyebrows at us "You sure, it seems as if you both are dating." She said with a smile "I know we thought that to!" Niall laughs "Yeah, I don't know why Harry doesn't make a move." Louis jumps in.

"I would be dating her if she'd let me." Harry smirked at me, I blush and look away "Anyways, other than the movie. Do you guys have any music coming out?" They all look at each other "We do actually, we are very excited for the fans to hear this." Zayn said

"Yes, the fans are gonna see a different side of us with this album." Harry replied and wrapped his arm around my waist "Thanks so much, i hope you boys enjoy your night. Also Y/n, you got yourself a very nice man right here. Don't let him go." She says with a wink causing all of us to laugh but I'm internally freaking out.

He likes me! Harry fucking styles likes me! He just said he'd date me! Oh my gosh, wait what about Lauren? No! Forget her. But I can't, I still love her. Gahh why does this always happen to me?!

"Y/n, come on, princess. We gotta go watch the movie now." Harry speaks up, I sigh and we walk into the huge building. Once we find out seats, I grab my phone to see a missed call from Lauren. I set it down and look at Harry. "You alright, darling?" He asked, I nod and lean my head against his shoulder. He kisses my head and I smile.


Omg! 7 years of One direction! I can't believe my babies have grown up 😭 I'm so happy for them 😊

So I've decided I'm gonna make two endings. One for those people that want to be with Lauren and one for those people who want to be with Harry.

Also someone reminded me that I used Zayn as a doctor when Y/n gave birth but I changed it because I want my daddy to be a part of One direction still.

How's y'all day/night going so far?

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