chapter forty two

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Capri sun 🍑: do you have a place to stay?

Y/n: yeah, I have a little apartment couple blocks away my sister bought for me.

Capri sun 🍑: that's good but listen about early, I didn't start the fight Lauren did. I was just watching a movie with you that's all

Y/n: I know you didn't, babe. Lauren has some anger issues so sometimes she just starts things

Capri sun 🍑: so how are the kids, have you talked to your mom?

Y/n: they're good! My mom told me Candice buys them alot of clothes. yesterday she sent me a picture with Jordan & Amelia wearing baby yeezy's along with a nice outfit.

Capri sun 🍑: that's adorable, but I was gonna ask you, uhm do you wanna hang out tomorrow like the kids, you & I?

Y/n: of course! that sounds amazing. Lauren never wants to do that with me

Capri sun 🍑: well I'm not Lauren, I actually pay attention to you & listen to what you have to say 😊

Y/n: your mom did a nice job at raising you, she should be proud.

Capri sun 🍑: She's always taught me to respect everyone, also when I came out to my family they were happy but my father told me to always respect females.

Y/n: Awe that's nice that your parents were accepting at you coming out. My father would beat me after he found out I like both. He's the one who forced me to date Don, but it's ok my father is in jail now.

Capri sun 🍑: are you serious? Your dad is a fucking asshole, how dare her hurt his own daughter.

Y/n: yeah its fucked up, that's why I'm glad he's in jail but my mom has supported me threw out everything and I love her for that.

Capri sun 🍑: why haven't you ever told me this?

Y/n: I thought you'd be bored by me talking

Capri sun 🍑: I'd never get bored of you, babe.

Y/n: you're so nice 😄

Capri sun 🍑: anyways I'm on my way to visit you, but ima head to the store first. Do you want anything?

Y/n: nope, just bring your cute self 😛

Capri sun 🍑: alright see you in a little 😆


So the video for 'Down' came out, I kinda liked it but it's my least favorite video of theirs right now tbh. Don't get me wrong they all looked very beautiful, I just didn't like the video.

Idk but what do you think of the video?

Don't forget to vote and comment, xoxo

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