Chapter 10

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I Kissed Her Scars

Chapter 10

I walked into the cafeteria and took my lunch. I turned around, seeing my usual table with Rylan, Alice, and the other populars. I was about to walk up to them, but stood frozen. Because I also saw Emma, sitting alone as usual. Should I sit with her??? In front of the popular kids??? What if I lost all my popularity? What if they spread rumours about me, and everyone believed them, since they were so popular? What if they beat me up like they did with some non-populars when they didn't do what they said?

Gosh, I hated this position. But I also realized who I really was all along. I wasn't popular because everyone loved me. They were, in fact, afraid of me. Afraid of the populars, which is why they practically worshipped us, so nothing would happen to them. Now that I didn't act as a superior popular and realized myself as a regular person like everyone else, I could now see how everyone felt.

"Connor, dude!" said Rylan, waving to me, "Sit man! You look stoned just standing there."

I got out of my thought and went back into reality. I knew what I had to do.

"Hey Emma," I said walking to her table.

"Hey," she said back to me.

The guys at the popular table sat there in shock, with their mouths wide open.

"How's it goin?" I asked her, making conversation. I was no longer gonna be a coward for admitting that I was actually friends with 'emo' Emma.

"Connor," she whispered to me harshly, "What are you doing here? Your friends are watching!"

"You know what Emma? I couldn't care less about them anymore."

She smiled and we sat there, being the friends we were, leaving all the haters to stare in awe.

There were so many comments and remarks going around.

"Why would Connor, the hottest guy in school, be talking to her?"

"What??? Has he lost his mind???"

"Connor??? THE Connor Sanders is talking to her and not me???"

I didn't care what they had to say about us. I was happy and so was she. I was right where I belonged.

School went on, me normally walking to my class... Except the people in school, giving me funny glances. It was strange, but throughout the day, I learned to not mind.

School was ending, and I was about to walk to my car until I saw a scene. Rylan was speaking to a bunch of people and they were having a big laughing fit. I walked towards them to see what was going on.

"Wow, look who came right on time! Connor, buddy! How ya doin???"

My eyes widened and my body tensed. Was Rylan already spreading nasty rumours about me just for eating lunch with Emma???

"Omigosh Connor," said a flirty girl named Taisha, "I can't believe you sat with emo Emma at lunch. Just so you can find out more information about her to tell us stories about her for us to laugh at."

She took her pointing finger and started to stroke my chest like the desperate slutty chick in those movies, "You... Are soooo brave."

I swiped her hand away immediately.

"Actually," I said, "She's a pretty chill person."

Everyone in the large crowd spat into large fits of laughter.

"Omigosh man," said Joey, the swagfag while he slapped my back, "That was some funny shit!!!"

"I'm telling the truth, she's pretty rad."

"Wow, give it up for this funny man!!" said Rylan.

Everyone was laughing and applauding me while leaving the crowd and patting my back or giving me high fives as they walked by. I let them hanging though.

"Oh man," said Rylan walking up to me, "You're a funny dude."

"Rylan," I said as seriously as I could, "It may or may not occur to you that I am actually really good friends with Emma now."

"Omigosh... No... It's just what I thought..."


"I can't believe I'm losing you as a friend to a non-popular!!! And not just any non-popular... EMO EMMA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!"

"Rylan!!! I'm sorry that she's just a nice person, okay??? And just because I'm friend with her doesn't mean that we still can't be buds."

"Oh no... You're not playing that card on me man. I refuse to talk to someone who chooses to be associated with HER."

"What are you saying?"

"It's either me, or her. You choose."

The dude who's been my best friend my whole life or the girl who I've just met but have became so attached to.


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