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(yes, these first parts of the story are gonna be short but eventually be longer as I get to the present time) First of all, I'd like to say that all you're about to see is the things that happened to me in the far past to the near past and eventually the present. No criticism shall be given to me since this all happened in the past and depending on when i update this, these events may or may not be changed. I've gone through way too many things as the years gone by. Each year will be told in its own chapter and each chapter will maybe get shorter or get longer than the last. I began writing this in 2015 so it makes sense why I barely remember a majority of details explained in the shorter chapters and have much longer, descriptive events from 2015 up until whatever is in the present portion of the story. Anyways, these are the true things that happened and go through the mind of the happiest yet most demonic person that u may know as Franchesca, Chesca, or any nickname given to Vinna Franchesca Cervania. (very edited but barely updated if no content is needed)

NOTICE: this story will have inconsistent updates (as of May 2018)

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