8th Grade [(Jan&Feb filler) 1st week of March]

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so basically I was gone, I know no one really cares but oh well. I celebrated my birthday, valentines day happened, and jay and I celebrated our 3 months together and I told my parents about us. Let's start at the beginning of this all

(March 6) My parents didn't like that I had a boyfriend, and that I hid him from them so they took my phone away from me. They found explicit images and were more upset and wanted to know who sent them or took them. 

I tried to blame it on friends, who denied my request and eventually one of them reported it. I didn't blame any of my friends on it, I blamed Jay's friend for it. I realized that with my friend's parents concerned, I had to situate it on my own to assure my and their parents that everything wasn't to be taken heavily, considering that I chose the most safest approach with it. 

A video of Jay being funny was also found, which my parents didn't like along with Jay directly texting my parents about the situation and dating. At this point, Jay and I are back to being a hidden couple, something that will stay as is until I'm 17 or 18. Knowing that my parents are not accepting on my relationship is not surprising, my siblings and I all keep our relationships secrets from my parents, a thing that wasn't new to us. 

Jay is in a depression state, for reasons that are classified to the public. I find myself wanting to cry every day, with uncertainty of whether I'll be happy the next day. I found my flaws to be a huge relationship issue, my ignorance and insensitivity. I get why those are bad, i'm not stupid. But something that came to my attention is that my boyfriend is questioning my loyalty for more reasons that are classified. 

At this moment in time, I am at another undetermined situation. I have a tendency to change myself enough that I won't share my inner thoughts or even speak out about my issues, by ignoring my own problems. I want to do that, I don't like involving Jay in my depression anyway. 

Well, there's my filler update. I really get lazy writing these while at the same time, it's probably because I am too busy to continue this story. I might end this when 8th grade ends, this could be my elementary and middle school life story, at least I feel better with this story being that way. 

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