8th Grade (November)

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Hey guys, how was your Halloween? Mine was great, I hope you all had a great time. I am actually not gonna eat all of my candy, I don't even think I'll eat a majority of it. Anyway, the reason I'm writing this early is because I had things happen to me today and in the past few days. Let's just get this out of the way first: I want to be a better person meaning not overly sexualized and not a full on hoe. I say that for reason that I want to be more committed to people instead of leaving in just a few days or weeks which brings to my next point: I don't want to date people online especially if I don't know their intentions. I want to be less sexual/"freaky" cuz that makes be a hoe so I wanna minimize that a lot but don't take this out of context, I can say things but that doesn't actually show that I mean it. Since that's out of the way, lets start my story. 

As of now, my 2017 summer squad (Zach, Maycn, and Neveah) have all left me. I don't want them back in my life the same way that the 2016 summer squad (Arneil and Kaitlin) came back because at this point, I don't need two heartless children and a gay ex boyfriend back in my life just to taunt me (no offense to the lgbtq+ community, I only have a disliking towards Nevaeh). While Arneil is back to being the helping angel in my life and Kaitlin being my influential demon, they're the truest friends I've ever had and the only ones that I really wanted to come back in my life. I guess in the 2017 bitch group, Zach was the demon, Maycn was an angel, and Nevaeh was just my bf but I don't need a boyfriend and I don't want replacements for the best friends I've had in such a long time. I say I don't need a boyfriend because after the cheating incident, I really don't need to commit so much to one guy and just crushing on Arneil is enough for me. I think for once, I'll actually try being patient in order to get a guy I actually know irl to like me back instead of sending out a "boyfriend wanted" sign out into a random fandom in order to get a guy to date me without knowing anything about me and vice versa. Besides, "Good things comes to those that wait," so I'd love to see if my idea really plays out correctly. I realize that I have actually been slacking on doing my homework and I feel really bad for that since my mom is always wanting the best for us and HATES when we have missing assignments. Before I know it, it'll be my birthday and then after that, it'll be 2018 summer and I'll be in high school so I want my mom to be happy about what my sister and I get in our final grades. I think I'll be better off doing things that can better myself  instead of worry about the small little things though. Well let's just see how the rest of the month goes through, even with people constantly bashing on me for complaining about my life. I finally get why I am a narcissistic and selfish child so I might as well keep everything to myself until I get to the next time I'll write again.


Hey, I went thru a bunch of irrelevant shit. A bunch of guys flirted with me on Monkey, cut contact with some guys,  and now, I just rp with a bunch of guys, who are mostly fuglies who are single or in relationships cuz bitches need some hype in their life if they can't get it from their babes. I am now single cuz I chose to break ties with guys that wanted me and I have my crush's ID since I managed to befriend him and happened to take it before Thanksgiving break. And since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, happy holidays. I noticed that I have nothing interesting really happening to me but oh well, I will eventually have a story time. I'll try updating again soon tho. Anyways, I'll end off with this: I have braces now. Have a great thanksgiving and HAVE THE BLACK FRIDAY RIOTS BEGIN 

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