My opinion of life in general (rant)

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This part of the story is my opinion on life. Please, don't tell me if anything here isn't true cuz this is only my opinion that you don't have to agree to. And now, a story about life

There are questions in life that most people, even adults don't have an exact answer to them. These questions that I'm going to try answering in my perspective are "What is life" and "What is the meaning of life". There's a reason why nobody has an exact answer for these type of questions, it's because not everyone could agree on one answer to the question. Also, everyone has their own answer to the question due to what they think or want the answer to be. So, I'd like to share my own answer/ explanation of these questions.

1) what is life?

Life is the one thing that everyone has the power to control. Life is like a game that if you do one thing, it'll result into something else. (Like Cause and Effect, the lesson taught to many people in grade school) An example is if you're a child and you take something from someone like a cousin, sibling, friend, etc. without permission. The result to that if you get caught is the person you took something from is going to get mad at you and (depending on the age) will A) tell an adult about what you did and depending who the adult is, that adult might be your parents or that if it was a teacher, relative, or someone that knows your parents will tell your parents and you'd get in trouble and get disciplined about your crime; or B) take back whatever you stole and probably distrust you; or C) accept what you did and expect that you only borrowed it. Another example is if you do something good, like do the chores without being asked to do them or if you did a good deed, you'd get a reward from the person that notices that good deed you did. Life can also hurt you even though you didn't expect it. Like if you dated someone, you both love each other, but then, you or the person you're dating might do something that makes you two hate each other and break up. Also, sometimes, one of you might still love the other but you notice that they've moved on already. That's one of the things people hate about life: the unexpected. Because nobody will ever know what will happen next until you test it out, without knowing what your result may or may not be.

2) what is the meaning of life?

Life has no meaning until you give is meaning (cliche). Life could mean something that everyone wants or something nobody wants. Like from the last paragraph, life is the one thing that only you could control. So if life means a chance to mean something to people or to be famous, then you have to work hard on that because the only person that can force you to work up to that lifestyle is yourself. Nobody can force you to do anything if you don't want to do it.(unless it's a command from your parents or any adult, then you have to respect them.) If your parents want you to grow up and become a doctor or a nurse, if it isn't your passion to be in the medical industry, then live up to that dream. But if you have a different passion, then live up to that passion and become better at that passion so that you could be even better at that passion.

In conclusion, life is yours. you decide what you want to do with it but just keep in mind that you only have one shot at life to make it right. If your life revolves around one person that you like, just stop because if you let yourself do that you'll do derange things when that person doesn't like you and chooses a different person. That's one of the things that you have to do to have a happier life. Another thing you should keep in mind is to double check everything, sometimes triple check because people end their own life because they did something that they shouldn't have done. And that's because other people had the nerve to make fun of something that the person didn't mean to do it. So make better choices that will make you feel better about yourself more than you being happier than you were before. (It's better to not get revenge on anyone because it's going to make you feel guilty and wish u didn't get revenge) 

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