8th Grade (December)

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(14th) Another month, more work, and a lot of nothing. I'm halfway through a month and all I have to write about is NOTHING.  No drama, no new ideas, nothing. I have a new boyfriend and he's literally the only thing I've been using my time on. The closest thing I have to talk about an Idea is that net neutrality was appealed and my entire friend group is losing their brains about it. I get it, the internet is expensive but why should it matter to you if we have it? If your parents don't pay for it, then live without it. If your parents pay a bunch for it, good for you. Like I don't like the idea of my friends losing their shit because they won't be able to watch certain things or stream shows and then they argue that it's too much money for their families to pay for. LIVE WITHOUT FUCKING INTERNET, how about that for a change. Why can't we just deal with the shit that the government puts us through than argue with a system that we barely had a voice in? WE'RE 12, 13, 14 YEARS OLD, we can live life without a fucking meme to laugh at 24/7. There are reasons why people in their 20's are starting to despise our generation and it's cuz we're depending on technology to complete our childhoods. Even though the internet is here, why do we entertain our minds so much just from watching or looking at such simple bullshit? At some point in this, I damn well see my dad making this exact argument but I actually can see why he'd make it. our generation is garbage. 

(16th) Although our generation is hella trashy, I still can't doubt that I am not like the others. I'm as trashy as every other kid in my generation but I can still believe that we're trashy. Our older generation in our eyes aren't as knowledgeable as us or millennials (since people my age are not actually millennials) but the thing is that we shouldn't act like we're smarter or better than those that are older but that should be for both sides of the story. Older generations had what they had at the time, they can't re-experience it in our eyes the same way how we can't understand the older generation due to the fact that we aren't old enough to experience what they did. 

(29th) Soooo... MILESTONE, I just ended the day of my one month anniversary with Jay. But, but, but, but; I actually met him at Six Flags (in North California). Nerve-wracking but it happened. We were happy, awkward, anxious, but excited; emotionally unstable but if anything, we enjoyed it. He bought me a giant panda, it was $46 which meant that he enjoyed spending his money on me, in a way that doesn't make him a sugar daddy. Anyway, I also hung out with his sister and her friends, both who looked like they had middle eastern blood and visual traits. I sadly made a bad impression on them and I cam out as mean. Jay's sister compared me to his ex-girlfriend and talked to him about how much prettier she is and that he could do better. I was devastated, was it the way I acted, was it something I said, what did I do? I cried for a while upon realizing that his sister disliked me but I'm guessing she also found that it was only because I was super nervous, I didn't even know who they were, I didn't ever talk to the sister at all until that moment, I even wanted to get away as soon as I saw them simply due to fear of messing up my first impression. For Jay, I was perfect, nothing seemed wrong with what I did or said when I was with him. But when it came to the sister and her friends, I didn't even know what to say. What would college students want to talk to a middle school girl about? Besides the point, I fucked it up when meeting his sister, gratefully my sister was fine with him and his intentions. We didn't kiss or anything; just hugs, piggy-back rides, and holding hands. I admit I was scared to kiss him, I haven't kissed or even encountered a boyfriend this closely in over a year. The closest thing to kissing that we did was me kissing the back of his hand and him kissing the top of my head. We also shared a Monster energy drink and shared some laughs when trying to win a Five Nights At Freddy's plush toy from a claw machine even if we knew we were going to lose. I didn't go on as many rides but I went to Medusa with my sister and her friend, rode Superman and V2 with him before just walking around the park. We just took pictures of each other, talked about stories, and just randomly danced around. He was so charming irl, the cologne that he had, his quirky dances and random staring moments where I just looked at him like a Japanese school girl going on a date with her Senpai, all blushy and nervous but happy and giggly; I loved it. 

So that concludes my 2017, this year was so full of emotions but in the end, I turned out amazingly happy. And with that I wish you all an awesome beginning to a new year, this is Kheska signing off (see you next year, viewers)

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