7th Grade (2016-2017)

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A Lot changed since i ended the 6th grade story. I became best friends with Arneil over summer but he abandoned me when he realized I had more anxiety attacks occurring way more often. The school year was neutral, I got a new boyfriend (#3) but i lost all my friends that i made last year; like Kaitlin, Arneil, Cheryl, and so many others. I regained friendship with one of my friends from elementary school that moved to my middle school. But currently, i'm lost in the world i call insanity. I'm not feeling mentally insane, more like mentally depressed. I have no friends, I can't always talk to my bf since we only email each other and see each other at school during Lunch and before and after school since he's a grade level below me. (even though he's taller than me and is the same age as bf #2) He was honestly the best boyfriend I've had out of all the one's I've had so far and i'm so happy that he's mine, even if his mom hates me, which never bothered me. We both are Bi and like the same stuff when it comes to pervertedness and anime. But we also go thru the same stuff, like anxiety, deep and dark thoughts and even depression and suicidal issues. But with that, we can help each other through it. (update in february) Me and #3 have been broken up for 3 months. He got expelled before my birthday and we just drifted apart. I dated two guys, #1 and a new guy, #4 and I broke up with both. But that's ok, I found someone else and I only dated him for a few weeks but i'm already in love. I can't get him off my mind and i know I never leave his. "Love is no distance" and we live completely fine with all the distance cuz we know that if we last long enough, we'll meet each other and finally be together. To me, he's more than an online bf, he's my everything, even if it's a ldr relationship cuz we don't mind, there's nothing that can come between us. (Update in March) It's been over a month and I've got to admit, #5 and I have been together for almost 2 months. I can't believe that I found a love that i can maintain for such an amount of time even after how much distance between us and times I've been told that my relationships will last beyond for a long time, even beyond high-school. Yet so far, only my current lover has been able to prove to me that it was possible. (update in April) Everyone hates me. I tell a story, a "witness" says i lied and nearly everywhere i go, someone calls me a liar or give me a dirty look. Well, who am I to say that they should believe me, no one believes a demon. I lost my friendship with #3 for the trillionth time but I was able to bond with #4 a bit as a brother and sister thing. I want to die but there's not enough reasons to. Oh well, #5 will still love me, right? But on a happier note, I became friends with Arneil again, distant but still friends. State testing, school drama, relationship anxiety, and friendship issues; what a "great" combination, I mean I already get anxiety with my english, math, art, history, and science teachers all forcing homework down my throat and previous knowledge up my butt, and testing is the only reason why. I also am hella sick and it's the first time I've ever had to wear a mask while I'm at school, so that make things "amazingly better". Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with it. (Update in May) I fixed a majority of what's been happening and I'm getting closer to everyone I nearly drifted from. I'm glad to say I'm almost happy. (June update) By the way, this is the last update in this part of my story. It's the first of June now and school ends on the 8th. I'm glad to say that i'm truly happy internally even if i do get depressed at times. I can't wait to start my summer even if anxiety will fill my head for this last week

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