Exes (revised)

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I've had 5 exes in real life. All I took seriously and even if I broke two of them, it hurt for me to leave them. And this part of my story is gonna be just about them.

Fernando E.; Sept. 2015-Oct. 2015 / Dec.2015 / Nov.2016 (status: lost friend)

He and I met in my 6th-grade class. I was an innocent new girl to the county and the city itself and he basically introduced me to my first group of friends. I first actually saw him when a few girls in our class tried to make him as out a girl that was new to the state and was more innocent and kind than me. Apparently, they didn't date and I became friends with him and he asked me out. We dated for almost a month then he broke it off cuz his mom didn't want him dating. He also said it was because I was too insane for his taste. He wanted to date me again in December but then he broke it off a few days after. And after a year, he tried dating me again but I broke it off a day later and we became friends with benefits and then we drifted after a few days.

Breyden V.; Feb. 2016-Mar. 2016 (status: stranger)

This was a more innocent relationship and the second longest one if you compare it to the relationship I'm in currently. I just wanna say that we only dated cuz 1, we needed dates on valentines day and 2, we wanted to experiment with it. And it wasn't until the break up that I found out that he never liked me and once again, was broken up with cuz I was too demonic, even his friends knew it.

Zach S.; Oct.2016-Nov.2016/ Dec.2016 (status: lost friend)

The only guy I dated that was in a different grade. Yup, I dated a 6th grader when I was in 7th grade. It was an approved relationship to us since he looked like a 7th grader too and the fact that he was taller than me and born in 2004 like me. It was a seductive but sweet relationship, he was my first and last kiss and make out, he was sexually attracted to me as much as he was comfortable, and I was his last relationship, at least his last real one. I wasn't ever liked by his mom so that was what lead to the first break up in November. We tried to date 2 more times in December but the first time backfired since he thought he'd like someone else and the second time ended the same way but he actually did, he fell in love with a girl that was nearly the complete opposite of me and one of the only people that's friends with me and my sister. But not only that but she was someone I have a crush on too, except she only liked me and and his enemy, I'm one of her best friends while she had a crush on Mark until he was gay which led to Zach dating her for a day which ended with the new girl's true love but also ex breaking them up so that he'd get her back, romantic but heartbreaking.

Jonah P.; Nov. 2016 (status: complicated friendship)

A short relationship and the only one I ended, he was sweet but turned out to just be a brother to me. He was one of my favorites though, yes it was short but he was nice and protective and comfortable to be with

Noah R.; Jan. 21 - Sept. 8, 2017 (status: stranger)

I believed at one point, I truly loved him but now that I see that everything was going to end this way I knew that I was on the infatuated with things that I thought would happen in the future. I'm sorry you had to waste your time but it's all for the better now, now you know what it's like to have a crazy girlfriend and I know that I need to be kinder and trustworthy and just overall a better person, even if I can't be my real self. But most of all, I'm sorry that I broke you.

So that concludes my real relationships, I did have a lot of online ones but they were basically nonexistent due to the short timeline of the relationships. I wish that I only stayed in one relationship but variety is a good thing sometimes. I'm sorry to my future man because I had amazing relationships all my life and I'm an actual mess which made them all end. I loved them all and I hope the best for them too.

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