{part 1/3 of last full chapter for a while}just like the first time they had met up outside of the restaurant, jimin waited patiently outside and studied the hands on his watch as they ticked closer to the 5pm mark. while the situation was not dissimilar, his emotions were. unlike before, when jimin's heart was racing ten to the dozen from nerves, he was calm this time around; a little excited, even. he loved halloween, as it gave him an excuse to dress up and eat all the candy he wanted without getting judged for it, but he was truthfully more excited about spending the holiday with yoongi - his first holiday with his boyfriend.
before he had realised it, it was five o'clock, and jimin mentally cheered as he watched the doors, expectant of yoongi's arrival. but much to his dismay, he didn't come. five minutes passed, and then fifteen, and then thirty, and the small brunette was becoming impatient. he took it upon himself to see what the hold up was, and barged back inside the restaurant without thinking.
once he reached the front desk, he was greeted by an overly-joyous taehyung. "hi jimin! are you looking for yoongi?", he asked, blindingly oblivious to the anger strewn across the older's face.
"yeah actually, we're supposed to be going out. is he still working?"
"uh..." taehyung hummed, looking around to see if he could notice the blonde waiter anywhere, "i mean, he was here just a minute ago. let me go check the back room."
jimin forced out a smile, not wanting to take his frustration out on the innocent younger boy. "thanks, tae."
taehyung nodded curtly, before running off to the back of the restaurant with flair in his step.
'what is yoongi playing at? he could have at least told me that he wouldn't be able to meet at 5 rather than leaving me standing out in the cold for half-an-hour.'
"jimin!" the familiar rough voice called out, gaining said boy's attention. "i'm so sorry, jungkook left all of a sudden in tears and i had to step in straight away so i didn't get t-"
"yoongi, you're fine," jimin spoke, facing the older boy now. "when does your shift end, then?"
yoongi scratched at the back of his neck anxiously, checking his watch and narrowing his eyes. "in approximately... 48 minutes? that's not too late to go out, right?"
the brunette shook his head, forcing yet another smile to mask his slight upset. "of course not, dummy. it doesn't even get dark until seven so we've got plenty of time."
"okay, thank you. and again, i'm really sor-"
jimin cut the blonde's apology off by pressing his stubby finger to yoongi's lips, a smug smile forming on his face as he done so. it was only for a few seconds before the younger pulled his hand away, but that was all the time needed to render yoongi speechless. he stood with his mouth agape and his eyes wide as he attempted to regain his composure from the small gesture.
it was funny, really, how worked up jimin made yoongi. it wasn't as though these romantic exchanges were yoongi's first, and it wasn't like jimin was yoongi's first partner, but this wasn't the same as all the others. everything about his relationship with the small brunette boy was different - it was like he was experiencing it as new, like jimin was the only person in the world who had ever existed in the moments they shared together -- he was completely beguiled.
"j-jimin, i-i'm trying to work," was all he could muster up.
"well you better go then, huh?" jimin teased, snaking his hand around yoongi's waist and tightening his grip on the material of his shirt. "wouldn't want you getting punished because of me."
as much as yoongi wanted to let jimin continue whatever cruel game he was playing, he knew he would be scolded for pda in the workplace, so had to take initiative and remove jimin's hand quickly. jimin pouted at this action, whining a little which drove yoongi insane.
"i'll be out at exactly 6:10pm, not a minute earlier, or a minute later," he placed a chaste kiss on the crown of jimin's head, "now get your ass out of here before it makes me lose control."
"yes, sir." jimin shot yoongi a wink before turning around and heading back outside, not forgetting to wiggle his hips as he done so.
as the cold air hit his skin, he instantly winced and shoved his hands into his pockets to retain all the warmth he could.
'this is going to be a long forty-five minutes...'
a/n: this was sort of a filler i guess? not really short for a filler but i am trying to get in as much minor details as possible, seeing as it's tough doing that through just tips alone! hope u understand and enjoy. thank u. also the next two chapters are gonna be full ones, a lot longer too, then we're back to tips :-)
editing soz

tips // yoonmin
Fanfictionregular customer jimin leaves waiter yoongi tips with the bill, but not in the form of money. __________________________ started: april 18th 2017 finished: august 2nd 2017 {ranked at #27 in fan fiction}