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"baby, i can't reach it. don't you own a step ladder or something?"

yoongi was currently struggling to put the star on top of jimin's christmas tree, while jimin sat on the floor untangling the strings of christmas lights. the entire apartment was a mess - tinsel strewn all over the place in a disorderly fashion, baubles rolling off in every direction whenever jimin tried to put them neatly down, shreds of wrapping paper littering all the space surround them - but they needed to get it decorated.

"of course i do. you can't be this short and not have some kind of assistance."

the blonde boy turned around to face his boyfriend, star in hand and a scowl on his face. "you could have given me it fifteen minutes ago while i was pulling my back trying to reach the top!"

jimin giggled as he opened his storage cupboard, pulling out a small blue pedestal, "but that wouldn't have been as fun." he handed it over to yoongi, but not before pointing to his lips and puckering them. "kiss."

with a quick peck, yoongi grabbed the stool from jimin's little hands and continued trying to station to star on the top of the tree, grunting in frustration as it constantly tipped to one side. "jimin, this things broken. it won't stay up right."

"don't be such a perfectionist, just put it on the top and then come and help me out, before i strangle myself with these wires."

without hesitating, yoongi left the crooked star where it was, and jumped down to join jimin on the floor. he gently moved a few of the bits out of the way to create a small space for his butt to fit, before starting to untangle the lights which had knotted themselves up miraculously.

"how do they even get this way when i coil them neatly up after each use?" jimin asked, the sadness evident in his voice.

"it happens to all wires, i think it's just an unavoidable fact."

after almost thirty minutes of cussing and yanking, the two boys managed to untangle the majority of the lights. the blue ones were to be draped around the christmas tree, while the white and red ones had to be secured to the mantlepiece, so yoongi got that done while jimin placed their presents under the tree.

it was nearing 12pm by the time all the decorating had finished, and they were both really proud of what they had accomplished. the colours of each string of lights made jimin's apartment feel like a disco, the intermittent flashes making the tinsel glisten and their skin glow shades of violet. they had resigned to the sofa, a warm mug of hot cocoa in their hands and a large blanket overtop their mingled bodies.

"i can't believe how fast this has come around," yoongi spoke between sipping his drink and peppering kisses onto jimin's head. "it feels like just yesterday you were playing april fools jokes on me."

"i know," jimin replied, his chest tight with happiness. "8 months goes quick when you're enjoying it, huh?"

"it really does. soon will mark our one year anniversary, too."

"yoongi, we've only been dating for three months," the younger boy pointed out.

"yeah, but we liked each other for much longer. just because we weren't official, it doesn't mean we weren't already 'together'."

jimin laughed, not really understanding what yoongi meant, but humouring him nonetheless. "you confuse the hell out of me sometimes."

yoongi let the silence interrupt for a few minutes, before he brought up the same topic of conversation. "do you think time matters? like, should it make a difference if we have been together three months or three years if we truly love each other?"

it was unlike yoongi to get serious in conversations, despite his serious demeanour, so jimin was a little taken aback.

"well, i mean, i don't think so. do you?" he answered truthfully.

the blonde shook his head. "not in the slightest. i just wanted to know how you felt about it."

jimin's brows furrowed, his mind trying to understand what his boyfriend was talking about, but he was distracted from his thoughts when yoongi threw the blanket off of them and crouched down in front of him, resting on one knee as he ensured they maintained eye contact.

"y-yoongi, what are yo--"

"get on my back."


yoongi shuffled himself around so that his body was now facing away from jimin, his arms outstretched backwards towards the younger boy. "on my back. quick, we don't have long."

without questioning it further, jimin placed his cocoa down on the end table next to the sofa, and climbed carefully onto yoongi's back. he had to adjust his position a few times for utmost comfort, but once he was finally securely on - with yoongi's hands firmly on his ass - he was lifted into the air.

yoongi stepped carefully as he walked to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he neared the edge of the bed. he positioned himself so that jimin's body was now hanging over the mattress, crouching a little to allow the younger boy the chance to slip off painlessly - which he did.

"what was that for?" jimin asked, still not sure of what was happening.

without answering, yoongi pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his milky white skin and cute little belly. just as jimin started to speak again, yoongi's hands moved to his pants, unbuckling them and pulling them down without any hesitation.

"your turn," yoongi finally spoke.

the shock and exhilaration of seeing his boyfriend standing in his underwear in front of him was enough for jimin. he followed suit, pulling his fluffy jumper over his head and his sweatpants off his legs in two swift motions, leaving him in his baby pink boxers.

"s-shit... you're so beautiful, baby."

"well you're not too bad yourself, mister," jimin teased, finally understanding where this was going.

as yoongi leant forward to meet jimin's eye level, he shoved the younger back onto the bed with brute force, before crawling into the bed beside him. jimin turned to his side and began trailing his fingers up and down yoongi's chest while biting his lip, the feeling of pure adrenaline pumping through his veins. when jimin's hand reached one of yoongi's nipples, the older pulled his hand away and locked their fingers together instead.

"w-what are you doing?" the brunette asked, confused once again at his boyfriends actions. "are we not doing this?"

yoongi chuckled, making jimin feel extremely insecure. "no, baby. i just wanted us to be together when it hit midnight."

almost as if it was planned, the clock in the corner of jimin's room struck twelve, playing a little jingle to signify it. jimin's face grew hot, embarrassed by the miscommunication between him and yoongi. "why did you make me take my clothes off, though? and you let me tease you a little."

"is it so bad i wanted to see my beautiful boyfriend's body in full as we entered a new chapter in our lives together?"

"a-a n-new chap--"

"plus," yoongi interrupted the stuttering jimin, "a little bit of teasing never hurt anybody."

with a quick kiss onto jimin's lips - which were slightly agape as he tried processing the situation and conversation - yoongi spoke once more, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"merry christmas, jimin. i love you."

an array of thoughts were spiralling around the poor brunettes head, but in this moment, he knew he just had to play dumb.

"i love you too, yoongi. merry christmas."


a/n: i couldn't not add a christmas chapter. i wanted to keep it cliche, ok???? don't sue me.  i rlly love this chapter aaaaaaa. next one will be another full one, just an fyi 🌷

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