hi!! so i'm back off my holiday and slightly jet lagged, but it's all good. i felt like now might be a good time to answer the q's i got regarding 'tips'! ((also if you don't wanna hear the answers, scroll to the bottom to see my news about bound!!!))
i said i wouldn't do it as in 'ask the character' but ppl asked for them particularly so i will do my best not to butcher it!!!!! and answer as the characters ♡
Q:"on a scale of 1-10, what would you date (rate?) jin's food as?"
A: definitely a 6. i feel like an 8 would be pushing it too high, but a 5 is just being cruel. his food isn't so bad, but my reasons for going back certainly weren't for his cuisine. (just a tip, as i've been told i'm good at giving those: don't ever choose the broccoli. i don't know what he does to them, but they're closer to real trees than i've ever seen before. the chocolate brownies are a hit with both my husband and i, so pick those.)
Q: "jimin my smol ball of fluff and sunshine and rainbows, my love and aesthetic, the true meaning of happiness and love, the pure definition of beautiful, how are you my love? does yoongi treat you like the prince that you are?" (HAYLEY AKDKKSK)
A: hi! i'm doing good; currently watching a drowsy yoongi try and stack pens on our work desk, and- oh, there they go. that's the third time in five minutes and he's not giving up. your words are so sweet, better not let yoongi see them though as he's notoriously jealous! my husband treats me like i'm the most precious thing on this entire earth, and truthfully, i've never been more grateful to have him in my life. i try to mirror it with him and treat him similarly, but in these two years, i've learnt not to baby him as much (hugely difficult when he sits pouting like he is right now, but i've gotten used to it). i hope everyone gets themselves a yoongi because i've never been so well looked after in my life.
Q: "ok jimin, first off, y r u so soft and cuddly i love u so much. also did yoongi tell you about the napkin thing?"
A: i love you too! platonically, of course; all my love is given to yoongi, now. ah, he did, and it broke my heart. but to be fair, he's the idiot who decided not to write on the tip as usual! so he's to blame. he's certainly made up for it, though, destroying every single napkin we get and shoving it in my face so i have no choice but to see his message. he's sort of cute, i guess.
Q: "are you like filthy rich in keys? also can you teach me how to dance and i teach you how to twerk?"
A: what's keys? like, house keys? keyboard keys? but sure, i can try to teach you to dance - i'm not particularly good at it because it was a hobby at such a young age, but there's no harm in trying. wait, if you can twerk then why can't you dance? isn't it the same thing, practically? i don't know; yoongi dances a lot and ever since he started hanging out with namjoon after work hours, i've been witness to some pretty horrific 'twerking' on his part, so i'm a little scarred on that. thank you for your offer, though!
Q: "do you really want to learn how to play piano or are you waiting for yoongi to make you fall in love with him after he shows you dem skills? aka tongue technology."
A: i would love to learn piano! i've never thought about learning professionally but i self teach in a lot - between business meetings and looking after my 'not-a-baby' of a husband - so it's something i'll consider! oh, yoongi doesn't need to show me anything to make me fall in love with him - that already happened a long time ago. however, the mention of his 'tongue technology' is making me think about some memories i try best not to bring up in public... damn, that boy knows what he's doing.

tips // yoonmin
Fanfictionregular customer jimin leaves waiter yoongi tips with the bill, but not in the form of money. __________________________ started: april 18th 2017 finished: august 2nd 2017 {ranked at #27 in fan fiction}