regular customer jimin leaves waiter yoongi tips with the bill, but not in the form of money.
started: april 18th 2017
finished: august 2nd 2017
{ranked at #27 in fan fiction}
ah! so this is my first time being tagged in something and i would feel extremely rude in ignoring it (especially seeing as i'm a sucker for things like this),, plus i'm totally holding out on the epilogue because honestly i just can't say goodbye to this fic yet 🤧 but i was tagged by MinSugaJjangManBbong so !!! here u go~
1) Do you have animals? (v important question) -i do!!! i have three dogs and a goldfish. my little brother sometimes acts like an animal too but i suppose that doesn't rlly count
2) Is there a band you dislike? Why? -i don't like the japanese house. i am usually trying to always speak positively about groups because they work hard to get where they are, and i'm not saying that the japanese house are untalented by any means - i'm just not a fan of their music... for more than one song, anyway. (i saw them twice with the 1975 and they just made me tired to watch) :,,( sorry
3) How many languages do you speak? And which ones? -fluently i speak one (english), but i do also have knowledge in korean and spanish! high grades in spanish but self taught korean so three guesses which is more accurate
4) Ever done something very dangerous but you enjoyed it? What was it? -oh no, i'm super pg. i think the most dangerous thing i've done was travel in london at 4am on buses alone, and that was entirely accidental because i got lost on the way home from a concert (i cried on the phone to my mum because i couldn't work out euston bus station -- i'm rlly not a dangerous person)
5) What's your favorite place? - i really love brighton (-: the people are wonderful and the atmosphere is always bright, so it's the place i'm happiest in
6) Do you like rain? - i love the rain! it's soothing and it's refreshing. not so soothing when you're stuck in it for hours, but from the comfort of the indoors, it is beautiful ♡
7) Ever met internet friends in real life? - i have!!!! one of my best and longest friends is someone i met online, and he lives in fl so i don't get to see him often (maybe one a year if i'm lucky) but i have met him a few times before. the internet is such a wonderful place
8) What song do you listen to the most ? - probably spring day or don't wanna cry. i call it 'soothe soothe music' because evidently im still four years old
9) Favorite food? - any type of pasta dish. i super super like just straight up tuna pasta and onion, but i loOoOve spicy foods so ramen is sort of a necessity in my life
10) How are you today? - i'm ok!! a billion times better than i was yesterday, but still not entirely good (cue miserable music and torrential rain for added effect)
11) Do you find tags annoying? - not if i'm the one partaking
12) Can you draw? - a little; i took art at school but i don't have a passion for it anymore so i've probably lost all the skill i previously had but ppl always tell me i'm ok, so!!!
13) Can a match box? - no, but a tin can
okay! so, i think the gist of this thing is to tag some ppl and write my own questions, but i'm far too anxious to tag anyone incase they don't respond and get frustrated by my mentioning. so instead, i'll just write my questions and u guys (if you want!!) are free to answer in a comment :-) i love finding out more about the ppl who read my stuff so don't b shy!!!
sorry if this got ur hopes up for the epilogue but i promise !!! it will b out before this week is over (sigh)
1- do you have friends who don't understand your interest in kpop?
2- what colour is most of your clothing?
3- if the zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow, do you think you would you survive if? if so, how?
4- where is the place you want to travel to the most?
5- how many songs are in your playlist/library?
6- are you able to sleep with a light on?
7- aside from kpop, what genres of music do you listen to?
8- what is something you've always wanted to do but never had the courage to?
9- do you prefer floral scents or fruity scents? if neither, what scents do you like?
10- are you superstitious?
11- have you ever pulled multiple all-nighters in a row?
12- who is the member in bts you can identify with on a personal level? why?
13- did you sing a lot today? (i hope so, i love singing)
the one person i'm tagging to do this is seokjin-stanbecause,, well i don't have a good reason ok ♡
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also,,,, a blessing in the form of kim taehyung in the behind cam of bon voyage