♡personal book+thanks♡

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sorry for this aggravating notification, but i just published a personal book which will have tags and stuff in, so if u wanna read through nd find out rlly lame things about me, come say hi!!!
i don't bite♡

{it's called peridot, as that is my birth stone}

{it's called peridot, as that is my birth stone}

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i also wanted to say thank you, again. i know i say it so many times that i sound like a broken record, but i truthfully am extremely grateful for all the sweet words and feedback on this fic. never in a million years did i expect people to enjoy what i write, and i mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say i love u all. it's been a tough year and a half for me and i found solace through bts and through writing, and the fact people genuinely seem to gain something from my silly little drabbles is just amazing.

if you have even read this as a ghost reader, thank you!! if you've voted and commented then there's no words i can say that prove my thanks enough. i really hope that once this is over, some of you will continue to enjoy what i produce!! ♥︎

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