regular customer jimin leaves waiter yoongi tips with the bill, but not in the form of money.
started: april 18th 2017
finished: august 2nd 2017
{ranked at #27 in fan fiction}
wow, okay, so, i've just seen that this fic has hit 801k.
firstly and fore-mostly, i want to say thank you. some of you just reading this now may not know, but i started this fic in april of 2017 (so just a few days over a year ago!) with no game plan whatsoever and just as a little bit of fun. i thought, "yoonmin are cute, i wanna write something to do with bills/napkins in restaurants". something fleeting, you know? so, i did that. but i never imagined it to amass such views/votes/comments, because to me, it was just a past time, nothing serious.
i had around 50 or so followers when i began writing this, and now i'm just over 1.63k (again, thank you so much, because i feel so unworthy of even 100 let alone that many!).
completing this fic was tough because it was so much fun seeing everyone's reactions in real time, seeing anticipation and waiting for what would come next, but when i eventually did end it in august last year, it just skyrocketed even further and i can't express in basic words how grateful i am for that.
things haven't been particularly easy in my life for the last few years. i should've known that waving goodbye to my teenage years was going to bring dilemmas and problems like i hadn't encountered before, but i couldn't have prepared for the things that have happened. that aside, writing has been an incredible outlet for me. this fic in particular was the motivation i needed to continue writing, exploring new things as and when i felt like it, because knowing i had support from other people pushed me to want to succeed.
so again, thank you.
now, in regards to the future of this fic. a couple of people have mentioned to me a second book, a continuation of yoongi and jimin's life, however, i don't feel like their story really needs an extension. it rounded up quite succinctly, in my opinion, and dragging it out into another chaptered story would probably be too much. however! this does not mean that the possibility of writing small one shots based off this fic is out of the question, because i could explore multiple different scenarios and really push my writing in lots of various directions while still continuing their story.
honestly, you guys make the decisions here, so let me know what you think.
yeah, that's all really. thank you again, and to really show my thanks, here are some photos of: my first ever ship, and my number one baby, donghyuck.
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[ since u guys r here, i have an nct fics account, too! seoltaengi ^^ pls enjoy if ur an nctzen!]