2: Quick, goodbye kiss

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April 27th, 2017

2: Quick, Goodbye kiss - It's the almost late for work kisses when their lips just peck yours, like an unfinished goodbye.


Josh let out a yawn and turned around, cuddling up to his fiancé Tyler. He closed his eyes as he nuzzled his nose in the crook of Tyler's neck and he was ready to sleep some more. He sneaked his arm around Tyler's tummy and pulled him closer as he intertwined their legs.

Josh's peaceful snuggly moment was quickly interrupted when Tyler's alarm clock went off, though, and it made Josh grumble. He reached over Tyler as Tyler shifted around a little and Josh shut off the alarm clock. He flopped back and cuddled up to Tyler again. "Just a few more minutes", he muttered as he snuggled up to Tyler with his face in the crook of Tyler's neck again.

The next thing Josh knew was happening, was Tyler shaking him awake.

"Josh! Joshie, my alarm clock didn't go off, I gotta get up quickly", Tyler said. "W-what? I-it did" Josh mumbled sleepily as he checked the time. His eyes turned big. "Oh my god", Josh said. "What? How do you mean it did go off?" Tyler asked. "It did, but I turned it off. It was supposed to just be a few more minutes, not 53 more minutes", Josh muttered. "Why did you turn it off?" Tyler asked with a frown as he got out of bed quickly, without kissing Josh.

"I-I thought y-you got woken up t-too", Josh stuttered with a deep frown and a very guilty feeling.

Tyler looked at his fiancé and sighed. He got on the bed and hugged Josh tightly.

"It's okay baby, don't worry. Don't feel guilty, it's not your fault", Tyler soothed as he pressed soft kisses atop of Josh's hair.

"M'sorry", Josh muttered sadly. "Don't be love, it's okay it's not your fault", Tyler assured him. "Okay", Josh sighed as he softly kissed Tyler.

"I gotta get ready real quick now love, I can't be late for work. Can't pay for our wedding if they fire me", Tyler said as he kissed Josh once more and got up off the bed. He grabbed a towel and one of the suits in his closet, before quickly heading to the bathroom.

Josh flopped back on the bed and sighed. He knew it was his fault, even though Tyler tried to assure him that it was not.

Well, the least Josh could do is be a good fiancé and help Tyler get ready in the morning.

So he got up out of bed, pulling on some sweatpants and heading to the kitchen of their luxury apartment, thanks to Tyler's well paying job. He got some lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, feta and chicken out of the fridge. He grilled the chicken the night before for Tyler already, so he cut it into pieces as well as the cucumber, tomatoes and feta. He grabbed a container that he could seal and put the lettuce in first, before layering the cucumber, then the tomatoes, then feta and then chicken on it, so that Tyler could mix it himself when he was gonna have his salad. He sealed the container and put it in Tyler's briefcase. He got a little bottle of salad dressing out of the fridge and put it in his briefcase as well. Then he turned on the coffee machine and got Tyler's bottle of water. He then got some left over baguette they ate last night and spread garlic butter on it, before wrapping it and putting it with the bottle of water with his salad in the briefcase. When the coffee was ready, he grabbed Tyler's favorite to-go coffee cup and filled it with coffee. He added milk and sugar, the exact way Tyler liked it, and closed the lid. Just at that moment, Tyler appeared in the kitchen with his slacks, blouse and tie on, and his suitjacket in his hand.

"Oh baby thank you so much for preparing my lunch already", Tyler said as he closed the briefcase.

Josh quickly grabbed the ham and cheese croissant he had bought for Tyler the night before as well and gave it to Tyler with his coffee. "And here's your breakfast", he smiled.

Tyler shot Josh a warm smile as he took it from him and took a sip. "Hm, perfect, like always. I don't know what I'd do without you, Joshie", Tyler said as Josh grabbed the suit jacket from him and helped Tyler put it on.

"You're always extra handsome in a suit", Josh commented, causing Tyler to let out a laugh. "Might change my ties to bowties soon", he said. Josh sighed. "Yes please, I love that", he said. Tyler smiled as he grabbed some other stuff he needed and opened the briefcase again. He put everything in it and then closed it. "Wish I could take you to work", he said. "Wish you could finally fuck me on your desk like you fantasized about", Josh hummed, causing Tyler to laugh. "Let's hope I can do that some day", he smiled. "I'll see if I can find a date and time where I can sneak you into work and make love to you on my desk", Tyler said as he grabbed his suitcase, croissant and coffee. "But I gotta go now, love", he said.

"I knowwww but I don't want you to", Josh sighed. "I'm sorry sweetie, I can't be late", Tyler said. "I know, I know", Josh sighed. Tyler pecked Josh's lips before opening the door and walking out, and Josh followed him.

"That wasn't a proper goodbye kiss!" He said as Tyler hurried down the hallway with his stuff. "That's because it's not a goodbye! I'll be back before you know it, love!" Tyler said. It caused Josh to smile and lean against the doorway.

He loved him.

"I miss you!" Josh called after him. "I miss you too, baby. I love you!" Tyler replied before disappearing in the elevator.

Josh stepped back into the apartment and closed the door behind him. He leaned against it and a smile tugged at his lips.

He couldn't wait to finally get married to his fiancé whom he loved so, so much.


I LOVED WRITING THIS I wrote 1032 words in like 15 minutes WHAT anyways what did you guys think of part 2? That's two updates reaaaally quick after each other! C:

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