Jack Dalton "Happy Birthday!"

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As Jack's daughter, your life was filled with mystery and blood. Not because you father was abusive, but because of his job. He came home soaked in blood almost everyday. The weird part is, rarely any of it was his.

My name is Y/N. I am the first and probably only child of Jack Dalton. He belongs to a group call the Phoenix Organization. Dad is rarely ever home, because his job is 24/7.Because of this, I am home alone quite often. I am not allowed to go out of the house much, probably because I'm 20,(about to turn 21 tomorrow) yes I know, pathetic that the fact I still live with my dad, but after an incident a couple years ago, he doesn't want me to get almost killed again. I don't have many friends and am kind of a loner. I instead make friends in books. I kind of like having friendships or relationships, in a way, to fictional characters. It decreases the chance of getting my heart broken. I have run out of books to read at this point and have been begging dad to get me more.

Today is my birthday, and dad is running late. The phone rings and I look to see who exactly thinks they're so important. Dad, why the hell is he calling me. I press the talk button and put the cold screen against my ear.

"I'm coming the pick you up. We're going out for your birthday."

He hangs up not really giving me a chance to argue. A few moment later Dad opens the door smiling like an idiot.

"May I help you. Why are you so happy?"

"Can I not be happy."

"You just came home from work. You normally look like the Grinch."

"No I'm happy, My baby girl is 21." He smiles hugging me.

I push him off and study him for a second.

"So where are we going on this 'Birthday road trip'?"

"The office, they want to meet you. I know you'll like them."

I agree and jump in the car. As I'm sitting in the passenger seat, I notice three large bags in the back tied shut. I don't want to ask, as I'm scared of the answer.

"Can you tell me about them before I meet them, so I have some idea of what they like and what I'll have to explain when I meet them?"

"Who do you want to hear about first."


"Angus Macgyver. The science nerd. Can make anything out of anything."


"Riley Davis. Our tech nerd. Good at hacking anything. I wouldn't give her your phone number until you're positive she likes you."

"Scary. Ok, Bozer."

"Our prosthetics master. I personally would go to him to any costume, of any sort."

"Fucking AWESOME. Ok and Director Webber."

"That's something you'll have to figure out by yourself. Just watch the sass."

We pull up to a modern looking building. We both jump out of the car, walk through the door, and up a thousand stairs.

"Oh my gosh. This place is awesome. So many computers."

Dad laughs and walks into a room whose windows are covered in white blinds. He tells me to wait outside. He's in the room for about a minute, until he sticks his head out.

"Y/N" Dad screams from inside the room

"Yeah?" I reply

"You can come in now." Dad says

Oh dear god here we go. I slowly walk into the room and see what looks like a party. Banners and streamers hung around the room, snacks spread out in bowls across a wooden coffee table in the center of the room, and, yet, they managed to incorporate some of my favorite books and authors, Harry Potter, Star Wars, among other things.

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