Angus MacGyver "Movie Dates"

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"Babe, Where's the popcorn." Mac screams from the kitchen.

"It's your house shouldn't you know where it is." I respond.

"No, I leave for work and leave you here, I come back and everything is moved around." He says.

"No, organized, everything was organized." I respond.

"I knew where everything was, it was organized in my mind." He says trying to defend himself.

I get up and walk to the kitchen to find a stubborn looking Mac sitting on the floor surrounded by bunch of open cupboards.

"AWW is poor Mac upset." I say in a baby voice.

"Yes." He pouts.

I walk over to him and bend over to looks him in the eye.

"You poor soul." I say kissing him.

I smile at my upset boyfriend and walk over to the only closed cupboard in the entire room. I open it and pull out the popcorn, which is in plain sight. I set it on the counter and turn to look at Mac. He got up and was now standing right in front of me. He puts his hands on the counter beside me and leans his face a little closer to mine.

He smiles and whipsers, "As annoying as your sudden kicks of 'I need to organize everything' are. I love you." He says kissing me.

"I love you too, as bitchy as you get after you realized I organized everything." I laugh after we pull away.

I walk back into the living room of the house and turn on the TV.

"Mac, what movie do you want to watch?" I blindly scream into the kitchen where I can hear Mac making popcorn for the both of us.

"The Purge: Election Year." He says back.

"Horror movies again."

"Yeah do you got a problem with that?" He asks.

"No, I just don't understand why." I say.

"Why what?"

"Why guys make their girlfriends watch horror movies, is it like a 'I'm going to make her as scared as possible so she'll cuddle with me and then I'm close enough to kiss her and I'll make her feel protected because girls love that' or what?" I ask as Mac comes out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn.

"To be honest with you, yeah, it is. Most of the time at least. Not now though. I have you, you're mine." He smiles.

Mac curls up under the covers next to me. I turn on the movie and him and I eat popcorn.

"I want to do this more often, but with work and everything, we never can."

"Look at it this way, when you and I are able to do this, it makes it more special, because we never do this." I respond.

I put my head on Mac's chest and he wraps his arm around me. He kisses my head and I can't help but to smile.

I would take this over a "tumblr" relationship any day.


To be honest, I'm not particularly happy with this one, and I don't know why. This one was written awhile back, which might have something to do with it, I think I have definitely improved since when I first started this book. Believe me, I've been writing a lot. I currently have enough chapters to upload every Monday until nearly the end of December, it's bad, really bad. Also, I just got done painting my room yesterday, so this week and probably some of next week will consist of school and Wattpad. Just know that chapters will be uploaded later, or comments won't be replied to until later. 

Partners in Crime will be uploaded in about two weeks, the Monday after next.

Thank you guys so much for reading, and for nearly 500 reads, its incredible. Anyway, I'll see you all next week, bye.


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