Angus MacGyver- "Revenge Plan"

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Two and a half weeks ago...

MacGyver's POV

The house is trashed, things are knocked over off of the shelves, the couch is over turned and the master bedroom where my girlfriend Y/N and I sleep is a mess and is covered in blood.

It's been two weeks since someone had taken my girlfriend hostage. I brought it up with Thorton and she's been trying to find out where she is since then. The team practically turned the place upside down looking for clues on who took her.

Two days after the team searched the house, I was looking in a box full of pictures of her and I when I see an unfamiliar picture. I pulled it out and take a look. I damn near cried. It's Y/N, tied to a chair, ducktape over her mouth. Her body is covered in cuts and bruises, blood staining most of her skin and clothes. She's wearing a sports bra and track pants. It's obvious she had just come home from the gym. Tears stain her cheeks and a familiar looking hand holds a gun up to her head.

I flip the card over and inspect the hand writing.

Come and get her Mac. She's most likely already dead.


He took her, I cant beleive he took her. But why?

I call Thorton.

"Yes Mac?"

"Murdoc has her."

"Murdoc has who?"

"He has Y/N."

"Wait, one sentence Mac."

"Get everyone to Phoenix, right now. It's important. I have a lead on where Y/N is." I say giving up and hanging up the phone.

I grab the picture and drive to Phoenix, dragging Bozer along with me.

"What's wrong Mac?" Jack asks, concerned and confused.

"Murdoc has Y/N."

"How do you know?" Riley asks, opening her laptop.

"I was looking at old pictures of Y/N and I when I came across this." I say handing her the picture.

"Where is she?" Riley asks.

"That's what I was hoping we could figure out."

"Mac, this is alot on you right now, I think you should take a breath and take a step back."

"No, I am going to find her alive. I am not having another Nikki."

"How do you know it's going to turn into another Nikki?" Jack asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I just have an eerie feeling about it."

"Okay, she's at an abandoned warehouse. I have an address, 2201 Old Country Drive."

"Let's go."

"Mac, calm down, I know Mudoc. He wants you to go now."

"No you dont understand, he said himself that she's probably already dead. I'm not taking any risks. If I die trying to get her back, at least I can die doing something for the woman I love."

"Awww." Riley and Jack coo.

"Fine, gear up you two," Thorton says, pointing to Jack and I," Be very careful."

"Yes, Ma'am." Jack salutes grabbing his gun off of the coffee table in the center of the room.

An hour later...

We've been searching this place for nearly half an hour and cannot find Y/N or Mudoc anywhere. So many thoughts are running through my head.

Where is she? Where is Murdoc? Will he even be here? What has he done to Y/N? Is she even still alive? Is he still alive?

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