Cast "Assassin" Part 3

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Two days later...

"Who was in that building, that you felt the need to bomb it?" Webber forcefully asks.

"No comment." He smiles.

"I should be in there. He'll talk to me." I whisper behind the one-way-glass that seperates Webber and Alex, from Bozer and I.

"Let it go, I'm pretty sure the only reason you're not in there, is because she doesn't want you to kill him, after that whole situation with the gun when we found him." He says.

I shrug and continue to watch Webber fail miserabally at getting anything out of him.

I'm staring blankly at Alex that I didn't hear Webber come out of the room and stand next to me. It wasn't until she sighed that I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"He won't talk." She complains.

"He's an assassin, I could have told you that when we caught him. He'll only talk to one of his own."

"I don't know what else to do."


"Send Y/N in, she's 'one of his own'" Bozer says.

Thank you finally.

"Are you up for it?" Webber asks, holding out the folder of evidence.

"More ready than I should be." I sigh taking the folder and walking past Webber and through the door.

Bozer's POV

Y/N sits down across from Alexander, whose back was toward me.

I hear the door open and three pairs of footsteps. Mac, Jack, and Riley take the open space next to Webber and I and we sit in complete silence watching Y/N interrogate Alexander.

"You know, I'm going to be honest with you. Assassin or not, Y/N's beautiful." I spit out before I could think.

"She is honestly." Jack says.

"Meh, she's okay." Mac says, blushing.

"Bullshit, dude we all know you like her, why don't you ask her out." I suggest.

"I don't know, haven't found the right time and place to ask her, I guess."

We all look back at the interrogation.

"Okay, I'm sure Director Webber showed you all the pictures and security camera photos, so lets get down to business ." Y/N sighs sitting down, "So, why did you do it?"

"I didn't bomb that place Y/N!"

"Bullshit, Alex, your finger prints were everywhere, you are on the security camera planting the bomb, and you were one of the 10 people to leave the scene uninjured, the only not scared half to death!" She raises her voice, standing up from her seat.

"I didn't do it." He repeats.

"Yeah, I believe that." Y/N sarcastically says, folding her arms.

"You should, because it's true." Alexander pleads.

"Alex, you can tell me whether you did it or not." Y/N says, giving him a looks of sympathy, putting her hands on the table, and shifting her weight to them.

"While everyone is watching."

"No, I doubt, everyone in this place hates me, except Riley, but she has work to do. They don't care about me, so why would they come to watch me interrogate you?" God she's wrong, but she doesn't know that.

Alexander sighs and Y/N walks around behind him. She leans down and whispers something in his ear, massaging his shoulders.

Alex looks at her and kisses her cheek, Y/N chuckles.

"Say you did it or who did and you'll be out of here." Y/N says walking over to the window, and looking at the ground, waiting on a response.

"Jackson did it." He mindlessly says.

"Alex, Jackson was dead a month before this bombing, he couldn't have done it." Y/N says, a tear running down her cheek, her voice cracking like she was about to cry.

"Why are you crying?" He spits, like she couldn't in front of him, like it was a pathetic thing to do.

"Jackson was like a brother to me, he helped me with every case, and helped me get over my parents, he helped me become clean, I haven't cut myself since I joined, 7 years ago, he helped me accept my scars, and told me everyday I was beautiful with or without them. That's a lot more you did, and we dated for a year and a half," She says turning around and walking to the other side of the table. She sits down and continues, " So you tell me who actually did it or you'll rot in here for another three hours."

"Okay fine, I did it." He confesses.

"Why?" she asks.

"She was in there."

"Lindsey?" Y/N asks and almost as if it were part of a movie, he knoded in agreement

"That..." He starts, angrily.

"Cheating son of a bitch, yes I know she cheated on you, but you guys dated long before we did, note that we became official two years ago."

"I know, but, she hurt me, a lot, so I thought I'd get some payback."

"Well Alex, you did, you also killed 100 other innocent people."

"I know, that was a bonus." He says happily.

"Well I think we're done here, thanks for being honest Alex, and also nice job on getting away with all those other ones." She says looking at the window, as if knowing we were there.

She gets all of the papers, puts them in the folder and stands up and goes to walk past Alexander. He grabs her arm through the handcuffs.

"I still love you, Y/N." He whispers.

She shrugs and walks out of the door.

She closes it and turns toward us.

"There's your full confession, I'll be in the meeting room." Y/N says, handing the folder to Webber and walking out of the room.

Time Skip...


Riley, Webber, Mac, Bozer, Jack and I were all sitting on the deck of Mac and Bozer's house.

"I never thought he would confess." Jack says.

"All it takes is an ex who he's still deeply in love with." Riley says.

"So, this is it then, this is the last time we'll all see each other?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Umm, about that, Y/N I have a question." Webber says.

"oh, okay." I reply.

"We could really use someone like you on the team, you fit in perfectly with everyone, we would love to have a person skilled enough, in the field and on a computer as a permanent addition to the team. So what do you say, about staying." Webber says.

"Wait, you're offering me a job at Phoenix?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes, I am, so what do you say."

"Of course!" I squeal.

Talk about a welcome to the family. This can't get any better, can it?


This is it! Oh my god, I cannot believe it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm kind of sad that I don't have to work on it anymore. This is the most fun I have ever had writing a chapter and I hope you all had as much fun reading it. I also hope that you weren't sick of this subject by now. If so, I'm really sorry and I'll have another imagine up next week. Different subject this time. Thank you all so much. Love you, see you next week, bye.

(P.S. For next weeks chapter, I would watch CSI, George Eads' old show. It has a part based off of that show and I want everyone to understand it. You don't have to, it's just a disclaimer.)


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