Angus MacGyver- "Lunch Dates and Cheating Boyfriends"

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Why isn't he here yet, we agreed on 2, its 3:30. I shouldn't be this pissed but my boyfriend is late to our lunch date, again. This isn't the first time he's been late, it's about the fifth. The waitress comes up to me for the fifteenth time and asks if I'm ready to order.

"I'm sorry, he'll be here soon." I say not really convinced at this point.

"Honey, are you okay, you don't sound too convincing." the waitress says, giving me a look of sympathy.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's not the first time he's done this but he's normally late by a couple minutes, because of work." I reply, looking at my lap.

"Do you want a refill on your drink?" She asks.


She grabs my drink and walks away. I looks at my phone. Nothing. No texts stating why he's late.

I look at our recent texts.

Y/N- Babe, where are you? It's 2.

Y/N- Babe, It's 2:30. Where are you.

Y/N- Logan! You're late, by 45 minutes. Are you even coming????

Y/N- It's 3:15. Where. Are. You.

I breath and send another one

Y/N- An hour and a half! You are late by an hour and a half! I'm wasting my time at this point.

I try and call him for the fifteenth time. No I'm not clingly, but I have a feeling I know where he is.

The waitress had come back with my water by then, and I thanked her, she knoded and walked away.

At that moment I sense someone sit down across from me.

"Hey babe sorry I'm late, I was so busy at work, my boss wouldn't let me leave as much as I told him you and I had plans. I'm so so so so so incredibly sorry." I hear a man's voice say.

It didn't sound like Logan's so I looked up to see who it was.

There sat an extremely handsome young man around my age with dirty blonde hair.

Right as I was about to say something we whispered, "Hey just go with it, whoever didn't show up is an asshole and had no right to treat you like that."

I knod and play along, "Just don't do it again."

After I made sure everything was ok and no one was watching I speak, "Y/N Y/L/N, and you are?"

"Angus Macgyver, but you can call me Mac."

"Well alright, Mac..." I start only to be cut off by the waitress.

"Oh, there you are, what would you like to drink?"

"Pepsi's fine, thanks."

She walks away and we continue.

"How did you see me sitting here alone, waiting for my boyfriend?"

"I sit right over there," he says pointing to a table across the resturant, "every Saturday to work, I saw you sitting over here and I recognized the face, the fake smile, and how you started typing on your phone everytime the waitress would leave the table. I heard you tell her that you were waiting on your boyfriend when I went to leave, figured I'd try and save the day. I went out to my car, took off my jacket and ruffled my hair a little. I came back in and you know what happened after that."

"Thank you, you made it less awkward." I say and we both chuckle.

"You're welcome." He smiles.

We ordered our food and talked some more.

About an hour later we finished and our bill came.

"I'm paying." I blurt.

"No I am." He buts in.

"No you payed for the last lunch date, my turn."

"I was the late one, mine." He insists, taking out his credit card and handing it to the waitress.

"Ugh fine, but I get the next one, got it." I urge

"Yes Ma'am" He says, doing a little boy scout salute.

I chuckle and stand up and grab my stuff, him doing the same.

We walk out together, hand in hand, after he got his card back.

Although around 4;30, there was no one out. I heard the first car in awhile and heard the car beep, like someone had locked it.

"Y/N!" He angrily yells.

No this can't be happening.

"Mac." I whisper.


"He's here."



I look over and see him walking toward me.

"Who is THIS?" he says, raising his voive a little.

"THIS is Mac." I reply mocking him.

"Why is he with you."

"Him and I had lunch, since someone didn't bother to show up." I smirk.

Without warning he slaps me across my face, I feel my cheek throbing after his had left contact with it.

"Are you cheating on me?" He yells.

"No, I'm not you."

"Wait what?" Logan asks, in shocked.

"Tell Skylar I said hello, and you're her's because I'm done with your bullshit, and before you start the 'I was at work' and ' totally forgot, I'm so sorry' bullshit, save it, because I know you were with her, and before you ask, no I won't babysit the baby she's probably pregnant with already. I'm done, goodbye Logan." I say turning on my heel and walking across the parking lot to Mac, who apparently didn't notice I wasn't next to him and kept walking until he did.

"What was that about?" He asks kind of skeptical.

"I dumped that cheating asshole."

"That's my girl!" He smiles high-fiveing me.

I don't understand how a guy I just met an hour ago, can treat me so much better than my, now ex, boyfriend.

So I really have nothing to put here. So the normal sign off.

I love you guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all next week with the first part of a two-part imagine.


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