Wilt Bozer- "It's Not Worth It"

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"Y/N, I'm back," I scream through my house, "Y/N?"

When no one answers, I search the house. The last room I come to is the bathroom. I knock on the door, "Y/N! Are you in there?"

When I get no response, I do what my bestfriend, MacGyver, would do. I pick the lock.

I open the door; Y/N is laying on the marble tile in a pool of her own blood, a razor laying next to her hand. Oh my god. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" I yell, running up to her and laying next to her.

She has a pulse, but won't respond. In a panic, I call 911. What else can I do?

After I am reassured that she will be fine, I hang up the phone.

Not long after, the police come and ask me what happened.

"I came home from work and when Y/N didn't answer me when I called her, because she normally is there at the door to greet me and ask me how work was, I was worried. I found her in the bathroom, laying in her own blood, a razer next to her, and scars on her wrist."

"Is this the first time she's tried to kill herself?"

"Yes, this is the first time she's actually tried."

"What do you mean, actually tried?"

"I've changed her mind before. She's brought it up, it's normally nothing more than 'What would you do if I killed myself' or the infamous 'I just want to die right now'."

"Has she ever had any history, self harm, abusive parents?"

"She cut when her and I first met, three years ago, and stopped not long after we started dating, nearly a year ago. She also had a verbally abusive grandmother, Y/N told me that she would tell Y/N nearly everyday that she was ugly, worthless, you know the common shit."

"Has she been acting weird lately?"

"She's been a little distant."

"How so?"

"It's hard to explain. She's been spending a lot of time on her phone, in her room, or in the kitchen, doing little things. It would normally take me a couple times calling her name to get her attention."

"Anything else?"


"Great, now, go be there for your girlfriend if she gains consciousness on the ride to the hospital."

I smile and jog to the doors of the ambulance. I tell them who I am and they let me in the back.

At the hospital...

I'm sitting on a chair next to Y/N's hospital bed, our fingers intertwined. I run my index finger over her wrist, tracing the fibers on the bandage.

Everything seems quiet until...


Here's the fun part, you can choose the ending.

Happy Ending...

her eyes begin to open. I let go of our hands and stand up.

"Bozer?" She asks, rubbing her eyes and sitting up to look at me.

"Babe." I sigh, kneeling next to the bed.

"What happened?" She asks, looking around the room.

"Well, I don't know the full story. All I remember is finding you in the bathroom on the floor, covered in blood and a razor laying next to your hand."

"Oh my god." is all she manages to say.

"Babygirl, (Can you see me cringing, it just fit I guess) why didn't you say anything. I would have done anything for you if I knew you were cutting again."

"I guess that's the thing. I knew you would do anything. I guess I didn't think I was worth all of your time, so I never told you. I didn't think it would matter, I didn't think I mattered."

"Y/N, if you weren't worth my time I would have never asked you out, if I didn't think you were worth my time, I wouldn't be here. Also, you matter, a lot more than you think you do, I love you."

She doesn't really know how to react to that, "I love you, too Bozer."

"Promise me one thing," I say, when she knods I continue, "Promise me to tell me when you feel like cutting, tell me when you feel suicidal, tell me when you feel like there's something wrong, either with you, me, or us and our relationship. Tell me, please don't keep those things secret from me, I want to do make you happy, that's my job, I vowed to myself to always make you happy, I promised to keep a smile on your face. Please, that's all I ask."

"I promise, as long as you don't keep things from me."


Not-So-Happy Ending...

"Everything seems quiet until..."

the heart monitor starts to beep. Three doctors and a couple nurses run into the room and push me out. I stand outside of the room and look through a glass window. I can see the (flat) line on the heart monitor, not a good sign

"Starting compressions."

They start hooking her up to more machines and giving her a lot of medication. The doctor seems to be nervous. She's going to live, I know she is.

"Come on guys, we cant loose her, not in front of her boyfriend."


They all step back from the bed as one nurse takes one of those electric things and presses it up against her chest. A fluctuation shows in the line on the monitor, only to leave and go back flat.

"What else, doctor?"

"Try again. crank it up to 450."

They repeat the same thing two more times.

"Time of death, 5:30." (17:30 military time)The doctor sighs and looks at me.

They all file out of the room. The doctor walks up to me and sighs.

"You are Wilt Bozer, Y/N's boyfriend, correct?"


"I'm really sorry, I tried my hardest. We couldn't save her."

I broke down crying, "Wait, she- she's gone?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

I don't know what to say, I don't think there is anything to say. What am I going to do?

How am I going to break the news to Jack, she was the closest thing he had to a daughter. How am I going to break the news to Mac and Riley. What will Riley think? Y/N was like her sister, her bestfriend. I can't do this right now.

By that time the doctor had left me alone. It seems like the world has stopped, everything seems to go by slower. She was my world.

All I can manage to say is, "It's not worth it."


Oh. My. God. So, first of all, I'm sorry, I missed yesterday, I know, my mom had me clean so I was running all over the house and I had no time to upload. Second, this chapter is really depressing, at least one part of it is. 

I wanna know what part you went with first, let me know.

Lots of love, sorry again,


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