Angus MacGyver- "A Baby On The Way" Part 2

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When you brought your daughter home, you almost expected a quiet house, until you realized who your husband worked with and realized that was nearly impossible.

You sat in the backseat with your daughter, who you two decided to name Meredith Anne, as Mac drove. When you arrived at the house, Jack and Riley were standing in the driveway waiting for you. Riley rushed to the backseat as soon as Mac put the car in park, flinging the door open and cooing at the bundle sitting in the car seat.

"oh wow, nice to see you, too Ri." you got yourself out of the car just in time for Riley to meet you at the door.

"How is mama doing now that baby is out."

"I can kinda see my feet, so that's a plus and I can finally see the human who has been waking me up to pee at 3 am every day."

You got the baby situated, and right when you all sat down after putting Meredith to bed their phones rung.

"Its Mattie, she needs us." Jack looked up from his phone at you.

"Duty calls, you guys should head out." you looked at Mac and you could see in his eyes that he didn't want to go, "Baby, you need to go, I'll be fine."

"You just had a baby, my baby at that. I'm not leaving you here."

"Hey, man, well be waiting for you in the car, if you're coming."

He and Riley walked out of the house, leaving you and your husband alone, "Mac, I know you want to stay here, but you need to go. They need their brain, that team won't be able to function the same without you, and you know it. I'll be fine with her."

"I love you, but you drive me literally insane."

"I'll be here when you get back, okay. I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see you when I get back." Mac kissed you before standing up and walking out of the door, looking back at you through the window and getting into the passenger seat next to Jack.


In the heat of the moment, Mac had no idea what was going on. He was in pursuit of the suspect in the middle of an abandoned warehouse, because every terrorist ends up setting up their labs in abandoned warehouses. He turned the corner and realized he had lost the man he was chasing, "Jack, I lost him."

"What the hell do you mean you lost him, man? There's literally nothing in this entire damn building!"

As Mac frantically looked around while trying to ignore his best friend rambling in his ear, he heard a loud bang from behind him. Just as he went to turn around, he fell onto the hard concrete. Blood spilled from his shoulder on the ground around him. It was cold and damp. It soaked into his shirt until it was drenched a deep shade of red and clung to his skin. It made him squirm until pain shot through his veins. Jack ran up to Mac and knelt beside him, "Hey bud, hey hey! Stay with me, man!"

"W-where is-" Mac was cut off by Jack.

"Riley got him, don't worry about them."

Mac could feel the world around him slipping away, everything became blurry as he tried to push through. In less than three hours, he would be on a plane back to LA to see his girls, he couldn't lose now.

"Hey man, you gotta stay with me, help is a few minutes out. This is gonna suck but just hold on." Suddenly a sharp pain surged through Mac's body as Jack put his weight on the wound to keep it from bleeding, "Think about who is waiting for you at home, Mac. Think about how Meredith will never know what a badass her dad is, or how this handsome brainiac managed to have an even more attractive kid with the most beautiful woman on the planet."

Before he knew it, he was being rushed with medical attention as people flew around him screaming out numbers and words he could barely hear, let alone understand. 

Mac heard a loud beeping sound as he jerked awake, "hey there bucko, not so fast."

He looked up to see a concerned filled Jack Dalton standing leaning over him, a hand on his chest. In the chair against the wall by his feet was Bozer with Mattie standing next to him. Mattie was looking at Riley, who was sitting on the edge of the large chair next to him, obviously scared as to what the hell just happened. Sitting by his feet was Y/N, holding a gurgling infant in her arms. The entire room seemed to be still, nobody moved, nobody wanted to talk out of fear. Mac was the first to speak up, asking what happened.

"Dude you were shot," Jack said, pushing the opposite shoulder back onto the bed, that was propped up. He moved his shoulder to reach for Y/Ns arm. He got halfway before he stopped. He looked down and realized his entire shoulder was bandaged. So tightly, in fact, he literally couldn't move.

Y/N moved a little closer, "what do you need, my love?" Mac motioned for her to move closer and she sat in the dip of his waist. She handed the baby off to a very eager Riley and kicked her legs up next to his. When she looked over to take the baby off of Riley, she was looking down at the child and cooing as Meredith gurgled, looking around Riley's face as if to try to figure out who this mysterious woman was. 

The conversation erupted in the room after Mac woke up. He looked at Y/N and the entire room seemed to fade around him, but a good fade this time.


So, this had been in my drafts for a few months now. If you have any suggestions to keep me going and entertained, feel free to DM me or leave it in the comments.

Also, my friends joke all the time that my life is like a bad Wattpad fanfiction. So I've been writing diary entries of my days so far. If I published it, would you guys read it?

Much love,


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