Cast- "Partner's In Crime" Part 1

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I look out from behind the tree, the blue and red flashing lights begin to fade and the voices die down, telling me that it's safe to come out.

"That was awesome." I smile, coming out from behind the large oak tree, the other girls following.

"That never gets old." Mila smiles.

"Tell me about it." Katelynn laughs.

"Still thought that could've been a little more exciting." Annika, makes her point.

"How? Anne, we robbed a gas station for a couple dollars in snacks, and we were chased by the cops for," M pauses looking at her Fitbit fitness watch, " Seven miles. That's anything more then exciting."

"Agreed." Kate and I say at the same time.

"Whatever." Anne sighs, fixing herself.

Anne straightens out her grey sweater, turning the sleeves back to their normal place. M fixes her long purple necklace and sets it back on her chest, instead of it's existing place halfway over her shoulder. Kate straightens her shirt and makes due with the new hole in her already-ripped jeans. I put my snapback back on my head, fix my choker from doing exactly what the name implies, choking me. I fix the bracelets covering my arms and do exactly like Kate, I make due with the new hole in my jeans. We all open the cameras on out phones and check our makeup, checking if it's okay and it doesn't look like we were all run over. 

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well the police are looking for us, so. I don't think there is much we can do." 


"Why don't we camp out here for awhile, " Kate suggests, "at least until we know the police are off of us."

"Why don't we go to the hideout, no one will ever know we're there and I think there's enough food there for the night." M makes her point.

We all agree and walk across the street and make our way to the woods on the other side of the Inglewood, California, the place we all call home.

We run through the woods, jumping over logs, staying clear of wild animals, and making sure none of the weeds we're running through are poisonous.

We finally make it to the clearing at the other end of the woods, as far away from town as you can get. A lake surrounded by rocks, a natural diving spot sits, making room for the waterfall. Next to that, a tree house sits half way up a large oak, hidden behind branches and leaves. It blends in with the trees, no one would ever know it was there unless they knew that it existed.

A wooden dock lays peacefully at the edge of the water, closest to the entrance from town. 

"Long time no see." Anne screams, it echoing through the trees.

"When was the last time we were here?" Kate asks.

"It's been awhile." I say, looking around the spot and smiling.

"When was the last time we robbed somewhere?" M chuckles.

"Last week, M." Kate says, quite disappointed.

"You guys realize it's only a matter of time before this ends, right?" Anne says, walking over to the tree.

We all follow, looking around, remembering the sleepovers, hideouts, and swimming that had taken place here over the past couple years.

Once up the stairs and in the tree house, we spread out all of the stuff in our pockets from the corner store.

"Not bad guys." I nod.

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