Riley Davis & Jack Dalton "Murdoc's Partner in Crime" Part 5

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The next day...

God I hate hospitals. They remind me of dead people and ill people. They also remind me of what happened yesterday. No matter how many times Jack tells me everything is fine, I'm still going to feel guilty about him being shot. It's still my fault.

I'm sitting in the waiting room of a hospital in Las Angeles, waiting for them to call me to see Jack.

He was admitted to the hospital after Quinten was arrested and after they made sure we were okay. Riley and Webber told me he would be fine, Mac told me that Jack was strong and he would be able to handle this, Bozer kept reassuring me that I didn't need to go visit him until tomorrow when the rest of them did.

"Y/N L/N." the receptionist called out, her voice like a siren through the waiting room.

I stand up and walk up to the desk.

"You're here for Jack Dalton, gun shot victim?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"He's on the fifth floor. There will be another receptionist there to give you the room number."

"Thank you."

I walk up to the fifth floor, breathing a little heavier than I should be.

I am met with a receptionist just outside the elevator.

"Who are you here to see?" She kindly asks.

"Jack Dalton, he was admitted last night with a gun shot wound."

"Oh yes, here I'll escort you to his room."

"Oh thank you." I smile back.

She walks me down a long hallway and just when I thought we were getting closer she turns a corner and begins to walk through another corridor of rooms.

"So how are you related to Mr.Dalton?" she asks.

"We're friends." I respond.

"Oh he told us you two were dating."

"Oh. Well I guess it's complicated after you say that and as I'm putting a little more thought into it now."

"That's understandable. Also, may I ask how this whole thing happened?"

"That is also complicated. It all happened so fast, there was a shoot out and the next thing I remember there was a man in handcuffs and I was tending to Jack and wrapping a towel around his shoulder to stop the bleeding."

"oh, you're the one that did that. The doctors where trying to find whoever did that to thank them. If you wouldn't have done that, Jack might have slipped into a coma from so much blood loss. So thank you."

"It's kind of protocall at this point."

We both stay silent after that, until she stops and says, "This is your room."

She opens the door and I walk in.

Before I could even look in the room Jack gasps, "Y/N I didn't think Phoenix would be here until tomorrow?"

"They're not, I wanted to come see you a day early." I smile, closing the door and clicking it shut. I feel the curtain over the small window flap against my neck.

I finally am able to look around the room.

Jack is laying, proped up on the bed, reading. The foot of the bed is facing the door and there's a slide out table covered in food and empty glasses seemingly filled with water. There's an IV in his left arm which is hooked up to one of those bags of clear liquid, most likely saline. He's hooked to a heart moniter and a machine which is displaying his blood pressure. Other machines and wires are scattered around the room, most against the wall. The room is fairly small, but managed to seat a bench next to the door and a chair next to the bed. A window sits on the right side of the room, sunshine helping the lights to light the room, giving everything a beautiful orange and yellow tint. He looks miserable, although has an obvious fake smile displayed on his lips. He's also wearing one of those ugly blue and white hospital gowns and has the white sheets folded down to his waist, only showing the top half of his body.

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