Cast- "Partners In Crime" Description (Coming Soon)

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This is an intro to this chapter. This is basically a short description of the story and character descriptions, because there are hidden traits for each character. This is written about some of my best friends and I as our personas in a completely different world.


Mila, Annika, Katelyn, and Mayumi have never been considered "good girls". They liked causing havoc. Getting kicked out of stores or malls, roaming the streets late at night, and then the more severe, stealing money from their parents so they could buy drugs, or illegal things off the blackmarket or stealing from corner stores in their hometown of Inglewood, California. The high of running from their parents, neighbors, and the cops has always been an addiction, a hobby of theirs, mainly because they didn't have a choice, disowned by their parents, disowned by the public. They're never talked to by anyone, people normally cower in fear. What happens when they're approached by an undercover agency and asked about an old friend of one of theirs, who is on the run for the murder of his drug dealer.

Character Description:

Anne- Logical, good at planning, and getting the group out of terrible situations. She likes to be sarcastic at times, can persuade people easily, and is highly intelligent. Kind-hearted, has a soft spot for kids and the elderly, also fairly shy. Good at drawing, and writing. She likes to plan out every detail down to the core, as far down as street names, and residents. Her life is about precision, she's the complete opposite of May. Her smile gives a warm welcome to anyone, and she's a very happy and bubbly person. She's energetic and always very hyper, but only to her friends.

M- To everyone, she's intimidating, not someone you want to hate you. To her friends, she's a huge nerd, she likes to fangirl about a lot of stuff, especially celebrities and superheros. She's a good runner, and an adventurer. She's normally the one that wants to go to parties, roam the streets, and run around causing a ruckus at 2 in the morning. 

Kate- The cautious one of the group, knows what's trouble and what isn't. Sometimes considered the outcast of the group because she's normally ignored when she states trouble, and the chance of failure in getting away form the cops. She's a phenomenal artist and planner, also works well with Anne because they like to plan out everything.

May- The rebel of the group, would do anything to get her way. She wont take no for an answer if it comes to that. Also, doesn't care if they get caught, as long as she has fun. Most are scared of her, her evil smile is intimidating, and her body posture is so straight, she could pass as royalty. She's like the leader of the group, most of the time, she normally chooses what the group does, where they go, and where to hide. She's quick witted, can make up excuses, and decisions on the spot. Kind-hearted to only her friends and doesn't work well with others.


Anne- Dark, medium length, brown hair. Never normally seen in anything but black leggings and sweaters. Minimal makeup, normally just the normal cat eye, and she fills in her brows.

M- Dark purple hair, laying no longer then her shoulders. She's kind of a tomboy, but wears dark red, blue, and purple eyeshadow, and normally matches her cloths to it. Normally appears in vintage and ripped jewelry, most commonly purple necklaces.

Kate- Long curly brown hair. Normally wears ripped jeans and over-sized t-shirts. Also wears little makeup, and balances it out with bracelets, normally dark blue or black.

May- Long and wavy light brown hair, natural red and blonde highlights although she dyes her hair blonde and always has a bright color somewhere in her hair. She likes ripped jeans, band t-shirts, and combat boots. Her hair reaches her waist, laying perfectly on her face and chest. Normally wears snapbacks, and a black choker. Bracelets cover the scars of her past on both her wrists, each one telling a story

@Katieathogwarts as  Annika 

@EmmytheBest as Mila

@Skaibarton as Katelyn

Yours truly as Mayumi 

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