Trust Broken Again

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Your POV

I laid on my bed on this day, this day is my eighteenth birthday, Today I might finally be free. I heard loud footsteps coming from the stairwell, then my doorknob turned, and I came my dad. "I made breakfast." he said. What? He would never do this. I nodded my head, then started heading downstairs. Downstairs I found homemade waffles, just for me. None for himself. "Go on, I already ate." my father spoke, his voice low, but cocky. I ate the waffles, but before I could take a second bite everything went black.

Time Skip
??? POV

A knock was heard on my front door. "Hey! Can someone get that?!" I yelled throughout the house, no one answered. Hmm.... Guess the guys went out. I walked to the front door, no one was there, I looked down at the drive way, and saw a blonde girl, she had pink highlights, and light blue tips, she had barely any clothes on, just PJs, even the PJs were revealing. She was in a robe, bra, and underwear.

I walked up to the sleeping girl, she looked peaceful, aside from the scar under her left eye, and the bruise on her stomach. I shook her, but she didn't awake, she just stirred, so I picked her up, and carried her inside.

As I was carrying her, I got pinned to the ground, and I caught a look of her eyes. One was pink, like her hair, and the other was blue, like her hair. "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"My name is Laurence, I found you on my driveway, so I brought you inside. Are you okay?" I asked, she blinked, then got off me, and looked around.

"Well, Laurence, thank you for caring, but I'll be out of your hair. If I can find my way home." she mumbled the last part, but I had to hear her.

"If you can find your way home? Are you lost? Why were you in my drive-way?"

"Um... I think I was dropped off here, the person who dropped me off doesn't want me anymore, and I may need a place to stay."

"I'd offer for you to stay here, but I don't think you'd want to stay with four rowdy boys."

"Oh, it would be fine. I did pin you to the ground." she smiled a little.

"Yeah, that hurt."

"I hope it did, I have been practicing."

"Who brought you here?" I asked.

"Uhh..... That's classified and only for me and that person to know. Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure it's right over there, do you want me to talk to you?"

"No, I'll be fine." then she walked over to the bathroom.

Your POV

I walked into the bathroom, I looked in the mirror, the scar on my face is still there, I have a bruise on my stomach, and I felt a bump on my head. I carefully made an ice pack, placed it on my head, and sat on the floor. Tears streamed my face as I thought. I have lost everything. My home, my bed, my clothes, my happy memories. I guess I lost my father, but I still want to go home. "Home is where the heart is." I whispered to myself. "Why did he do this me!" I shouted, it wasn't loud, but I could probably be heard throughout Laurence's house.

"Do what?" Laurence's voice asked.

"Nothing. I'm just over-reacting."

"You can always talk to me, it's easier to trust someone you barely know."

"Trust? That isn't something to believe in." then I heard a door followed by some voices.

"Laurence, we're home!" a deep voice called.

"We saw some fly-honeys!" a medium, but excited voice called.

"We also saw some blood on the driveway." a voice a little higher than the previous called.

"Blood?!" Laurence exclaimed, then he knocked on my door. "Are you okay?" he asked me.

I finally looked at my bleeding wrist. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." my voice was filled with horror, my lips were shaking, and I couldn't look away from the amount of blood pouring from my wrist. "Help..." I whispered.

So that is the end of my first chapter!

Tell me what you think.

Trust Just Ain't My Thing (LaurenceXReader)Where stories live. Discover now