New Years

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Your POV

The party has started, the smell of alcohol reeks in the air, and Laurence is drunk as fuck. Lets just say I'm scared of what comes next. "Hey~ Baby~" Laurence said as he kissed my cheek, I'm literally shaking right now.

Laurence POV

I'm drunk as fuck, I walked up to my girlfriend, and started talking, "Hey~ Baby~" I said, I kissed her cheek, and I felt her shaking. Somehow her shaking sobered me up, I wrapped her in a hug, and kissed her head. "I'm not going to hurt you. I would never." she cried into my chest, I stroked her hair, and glanced at the clock. 9:45.

"Laurence, what if he comes?" Alex spoke.

"He won't hurt you, I won't allow it." I hugged her tighter, I saw Seth in Travis' arms, (in a bro manner, HE'S THIRTEEN!) Ally in Dante's, and Alex in mine. "Did you know Dante and Allyson started dating?"



Your POV

I looked up, I saw a majestic fruit, and I sprung out of Laurence's arms. "APPLE!" I yelled, I grabbed three, sat back down, gave one to Laurence, and started eating the other two.

Time skip to 10:00 p.m.

"Wanna dance?" Laurence asked me, I nodded, and we went to the dance floor. Laurence put a hand on my waist, I put a hand on his shoulder, and we held hands with our other hands. "Should we tell everyone else?" I asked.

"Tell them what?" Laurence asked back.

"About the fangs."

"If you want."  I dragged Laurence over to the karaoke machine, grabbed the mic, and yelled,

"Hey!" everyone turned to look, I turned to Laurence, and not into his neck. People gasped, when I released I saw Seth in Peyton's neck, and Ally in Dante's. "Don't be scared, we don't need blood, it's just Laurence, Dante, and Peyton are willing to let us have some." everyone seemed to calm down.

"Hey~ Wanna go to my room for a bit~?" Laurence asked, I nodded, Laurence grabbed my hand, and drug me to his room. He sat on the bed, I pushed him back a bit, got on top of his lap, and sunk my teeth into the left side of his neck. "Oh, Baby~" Laurence let put, I sucked with my teeth, stuck my right hand up his shirt, rubbed his abs, he held me so I won't fall, and I used my left side to keep him steady. "Oh. My. Irene." Laurence moaned, I wasn't even drinking at this point, just using my fangs.

A few days ago Laurence and I agreed that I can let my fangs go whenever I get distracted, since I can heal now. Laurence placed a hand on my neck, while I continued making-out with his, and his abs felt great. Laurence laid back, I tumbled onto his, causing my teeth to pull away from his neck, I kissed him, and he licked my bottom lip.

I played playful, I declined, Laurence pinched my bite from Xavier, I let out a small scream, and Laurence slipped his tongue into my mouth.

The kissing continued till 11:58.

"Guys! It's time!" Aphmau yelled throughout the house, I sprung off Laurence, ran to the kitchen room, Laurence followed, I sat on a counter, and Laurence got in position in front of me, ready for the kiss.

"Five!" Garroth yelled.

"Four!" Aph continued.

"Three!" Laurence shouted.

"Two!" Katelyn exclaimed, ready to kiss the pig.

"One!" I followed.

"Zero!" Travis finished, Laurence crashed his lips on mine, and that's how the night ended.

Yay! In my story it is now 2018! Why 2018? I don't know!


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