Does A Trust Us

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Dante POV

I walked back to my room, sat on my bed, and stared at my noted. Alex is A. Who could W, B, Z, and N be. I kept thinking. I got a text from an unknown number.

Welcome to the team D.

I decided to answer.

Team? I'm apart of the alphabet team?

Yeah, you know who A is, right?

W and N. Is there anyone else in this group chat?

Just B and me.

Z, why are you here?

Cause I can be. Also, I am apart of this team.

What is this team called?

We are called X's Chemicals.

I thought you were busy?

I'm not at my destination yet. By the way D, I borrowed your car.

Very funny. My keys are...... There gone.

Yep! I gotta go, bye!


Your POV

I finally made it to my fathers house, I parked Dante's car by the curb, and went inside. Everything was gone, the stuff in my room, the stuff in his room, and the last place to check is my sister's room.

"AHH! LEAVE ME ALONE! GO AWAY! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE FATHER! OR SHOULD I SAY X!" my sister's voice rang out. Ally? I went to her room, opened the door, and saw my sister. Her face covered in cuts and bruises, scars on her stomach, more cuts, bruises, and a scar on each of hers legs and arms. She had no clothes but her undergarments. "Alex?" she said.

"Ally?" I ran over to her, untied her, and wrapped her into a hug. "Why is X doing this to you?"

"I don't know. He's just a cruel man. Where have you been?"

"He drugged me while you were at mom's grave, dropped me off at some peoples house, and left me there. I came back to find you. Come on, we're leaving."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Can you walk?"

"No." I picked my little sister up, carried her to the car, put her in the passenger's seat, and drove off.

Time skip

We arrived at the guys' house, I carried my sister in, and went to Dante's room. "Alex. Who's this?" Dante asked.

"D meet S, S stand for sister and secret." I said.

"Okay, what is her real name?"

"Allyson. Is there a place she can stay?"

"Yeah, we'll take her to Aph' tomorrow. She can stay there."

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem. She can stay in here tonight if she wants. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Again, thank you. Ally, say hi."

"Hi. You're D?" Ally asked.

"Actually I'm Dante."

"Oh, here. Take this. At Aph's party everyone is going to put there secret numbers in the phones. You have N, B, Z, and W's numbers right?" I asked.

"Yeah. Z's is 262-626-2626, B's is 222-222-2222, N's is 141-414-1414, and W's is 232-323-2323. I guessing the numbers stand for letters."

"Yeah. Here's S's number."

"191-919-1919, stands for S."

"Here is your D phone. Your number and everyone else's numbers, even the people who don't have theirs phones yet."

"That's creepy."

"I know. The creepier thing is the Chemical phones have everyone else's numbers that aren't Chemicals yet."

"That is creepy. So, why are you constructing this?"

"I'm not, X is."


"Hey Alex, you home?" Laurence's voice called.

"Gotta go. Ally will explain, right?"

"Uh, yeah! Totally."

"First off, how old are you, Ally?" I smiled and left.

Dante POV

"I am sixteen, Alex is eighteen, and yesterday was her birthday. Mines in a week." Ally said.

"We found her on her birthday. She was dropped off on our driveway, a bruise on her stomach, her wrist bleeding all the way around, and a bump on her head. She never told anyone who dropped her off. Now that I look at you, you're all beat up to."

"X dropped her off, X beat me, X is our father, X is the person behind all of this, and X will do anything to manipulate A. We are only following his rules to take him down. After he's done, we can all go back to normal lives."

"Ally, I didn't know."

"D, we need your help, we need to find someway for everyone to join our team to stop X from killing me and A."

"I'll help you in anyway possible. No one deserves what the two of you are going through. Who's all on the team now?"

"Z for Zane, W for Lucinda, N for Nicole, and B for Cadenza."

"Laurence is going to be crushed when he finds out Cadenza is working for a psycho."

"He'll also be crushed when he finds out his crush is the psycho's daughter."

"How do you know that?"

"He saw Alex come in, but when she was in here for ten minutes, he got worried. To be apart our our team you have to have some kind of skill. I read people, You're smart, Lucinda is a witch, Nicole can fight along with Katelyn, Aphmau is Aphmau, Aaron is smart, Cadenza is our costume maker, Zane is smart, KC is to cute which makes her deceiving, Laurence and Travis can flirt their way out with girls, Garroth is a door breaker, and Alex is good at keeping secrets. There is one more. He is only twelve, his name is Seth, and he's mine and Alex's brother.

This one got kind of deep. I say kind of because it wasn't deep, but maybe more revealing.


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