Trust in Peyton

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Your POV

Laurence took Seth to have a guy-conversation, Ally and I helped clean up Peyton, and Dante was doing something over at Aph's again. "So, how are you feeling?" Allyson asked, I decided to stay quite due to my hunger.

"Alright, I guess. Why would Xavier do that?" Peyton asked.

"He did it to us too, don't worry."

"I'll try not to. Thank you."

"You're welcome, now go take a shower." Peyton nodded and left.

"Go kiss Dante." I said.

"What?" Ally asked.

"Go kiss him, it's obvious you like him."

"But we already kissed once, it doesn't need to happen again." I sighed, walked to Laurence's room, and gave Laurence a hug.

Before the hug
Laurence POV

"So, when do you and Peyton turn thirteen?" I asked Seth.

"I turn thirteen tomorrow actually, and Peyton's birthday is the day after Ally's, which is in five days, and that makes Peyton's in six days. I'm guessing Alex told you about our agreement, right?" Seth answered.

"Yeah, so what is your plan?"

"I need help.........."

"Great! I'm here to help! Take her on a birthday date, tell her she looks beautiful no matter what, and make the day so good you get kissed goodbye at the door." My door opened, then closed, a smile was shown on Seth's face, I was confused until someone hugged my waist, and bit into my neck. "Ow." I said in a joking manner.

"Mmm!" Alex yelled back.

"As I was saying, just make it good." Alex got off my neck, rested her chin on my shoulder, and continued hugging me from behind.

"Maybe we could make it a triple date?" Seth suggested, Alex gave a confused look, and I sorta blushed. "From what I've heard you guys haven't been on a date either."

"Okay, but who is the third couple?" I asked.

"ALLYSON AND DANTE!" Alex yelled.

"Ally and Dante it is, but we have to wait." Seth said.

"Isn't Ally to young for Dante? Isn't there a law against it? Don't Seth and Ally have school?" I questioned.

"Yes, yes, and no. One; who cares, Two; break it, and Three; it's summer." Alex explained.

"I'll leave you to be." Seth said, then walked out, I got out of Alex's grip, turned around, and kissed her.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Because I love you dearly." I pushed her up against a wall, held her against it, and kissed her neck.

"Laurence......" her voice trailed off.

"What?" I asked, my voice was muffled by her neck, and she had a look of pain in her eyes.

"That hurts." I pulled away, she hide her neck with her hair, and kissed me. I pulled away, I tried to remove the hair from her neck, but she slapped my hand, bared her fangs, and hissed.

"Alex, you need to tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing, I just don't like people touching that side of my neck."

"There has to be a reason behind that. Please? Let me look."

"N-" she sighed, "F-Fine." she cocked her head, I pulled away her hair, and revealed a big bite mark. I gently touched it, Alex flinched, and turned away from me.

"This looks new. Where did it come from?"


"Were you going to try and keep this from me?"


"Alex!" I yelled, I raised my fist to punch the wall, but stopped when Alex coward down. "Alex.....?" I asked softly. Seeing her cower before me made me feel like a bad person. "I'm sorry." she started sniffling, I could tell she was holding back tears, I knelt down beside her, pulled her into my chest, and rocked her back and forth. "I am so sorry. Do you wanna see something awesome?" she nodded, I got up, grabbed my L phone, and texted Dante.

D, we need you to come over here and do something! -L

On my way! -D

I helped Alex up, carried her to the living room, set her on the couch, drug Seth and Peyton in, set them on the couch, got Allyson, put her in front of the couch, and then Dante showed up. I set him next to Allyson, got my L phone, and texted.

Stop talking and kiss Ally already, I know you want to, and I know she wants to. Just do it. -L

Dante read it, scowled at me, kissed Allyson, she kissed back, and Alex, Peyton, Seth, and I started fan-girling.

Yay! I'm updating like crazy today!


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