Trust in Vampires

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Your POV (just realized, you didn't have a POV last part)

Laurence and I still lay there, staring into one another's eyes, we've been like this for ten minutes, but we were interrupted by loud knocking, and some kept yelling, "ALEX HELP!" Laurence sprung off me, pulled me up, and we ran to the door. I ran with super speed, which revolved in me crashing into the door. Laurence helped me up again, then he opened the door, and there stood my brother with a horrified look.

"Seth, what's the matter?" I asked.

"Peyton has been kidnapped!" Seth shouted.

"Do you know who?"

"Xavier." my scared expression turned into an angered one.

"Go get Allyson, um..... Do have anything of hers?"

"Yeah, half of our friendship bracelets." he took his half off, handed it to me, and went back to Aph's to get Ally.

"Does someone have a crush?" Laurence asked me.

"Not exactly, they both have a crush on each other, have since third grade, but they have decided to wait until they both turn thirteen next year." I explained, then I held the necklace to my nose, smelt it, and then I stared at it intensely. Once Seth and Ally got back I gave it to them to do the same thing.

"So, can I help?" Laurence asked.

'Sure, but how?"

"I could get Dante to track her phone, I could get her out, while you three hold Xavier off."

"Okay, go get Dante, we'll get ready here." Laurence nodded then left, the three of us ran laps around the house to drain out hunger, and Laurence came back with Dante. The three of us skidded to a stop in front of them, Seth handed Dante his phone, Dante went to his room, my siblings and I continued getting ready, and Laurence watched.

Ten minutes later
Laurence POV

Allyson, Seth, Alex, and I got in my car, youngest in back, oldest in front, and the three siblings had their heads out windows. We arrived when all three said stop, the three got out, and I followed closely behind.

Alex opened the door, then was instantly flung into my arms, her siblings went in, I helped Alex to her feet, and followed her in. I saw a ginger-haired girl, with chocolate-brown eyes sitting in a chair, arms and legs tied down, and had the same appearance as Allyson and Seth did. Cuts, bruises, messy hair, and dirty clothing. "Ah, my children! You came to save this human." an older man said with a laugh.

"She's not just some human!" Seth yelled, Xavier brought out a whip, and whipped Seth. The poor child winced, but no scream.

"Yes, she is. Allyson, how is your boyfriend?"

"I don't even want-" Ally was stopped by a loud bang.

"Hello sweetheart." a blonde boy said.

"Owen." Allyson scoffed.

"You brought people as leverage!" Alex yelled.

"Who'd you bring as back up, I can smell him. You're all protecting humans?" Xavier asked.

"Maybe, but....... Heheheh, who are you protecting?" for the first time I saw Alex's eyes turn into their forms, then turn red while in those forms, and Xavier looked startled. "What? Never fought a hungry vampire before?" Alex's voice turned cocky.

"Uh........" was all Xavier could say, Alex kicked him away, I ran in, picked up Peyton's chair, and ran to the car, but before I left I saw Allyson kick her boyfriend, and yell, "WE! ARE! OVER!"

I untied Peyton, helped her into the car, got in the driver's seat, and soon enough the three siblings were in the car. "How'd it go?" I asked as I started the car.

"It didn't." Alex snarled.

"Don't worry Laurence, she gets cranky when she's hungry." Allyson reassured me. "Seth does to, I do as well, but I'm not as bad."

"Shut up!" Seth sniped, I heard quite sniffling, I looked in my review mirror to see Peyton in tears, Seth pulled her into a hug, and whispered something in her ear.

Seth POV

Peyton started crying, so I pulled her into a hug, and whispered, "You're safe now, no one will harm you while I'm around."

"Thank you, Seth." Peyton whispered back.

"Anything for you." I looked over at Allyson, she was smiling wildly, I looked in Laurence's review me, a smirk on the twenty-one year old's face, but the auroura coming from my sister wasn't friendly, she seemed paranoid. I leaned up to my sister's seat, and asked, "Everything alright?" I whispered, she shook her head, and shot me a text from her A phone.

I'm worried he'll find us, kill us, and tell everyone we ran away. -A

It'll all be okay, right? -V

I don't know, I don't know -A

Could Peyton be P? -V

Sure, but don't ask her now. Also, see if Cadenza has enough rooms, and if her parents are searching for her. -A

Will do! -V

"Hey, Peyt?" I asked, in a whisper.

"Yeah?" she whispered back.

"Where are your parents?"

"He killed them right in front of me." Peyton finally looked me in the eyes. "Seth, your eyes are red again." she pointed out.

"Sorry." I said, and looked out the window, Peyton laid her head,on my chest.

"It's okay, it shows you care." I smiled down at her, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

"I do, I truly do."

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this. Young romance, am I right? Of course I'm right.


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