Chapter 2

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Alex's P. O. V. 

We were in the great hall waiting for the feast to start. The Sorting Ceremony started first. The Gryffindors cheered as some students were sorted in our house.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, first years and welcome back to all the others. First years, please note that the Dark Forest is forbidden to all students. Before the feast starts, I have a very exciting announcement to make," Headmistress McGonagall said, "Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament again!" We all cheered. "We also have some very special gue-" Mr. Flich sprinted into the hall causing everyone to pause and stare at him. He ran up to McGonagall.
"" that was all I managed to here. Mr. Filch once again sprint down the hall.

"As I was saying we have some very special guests. They are the 'obstacles' for every task. They are not from Earth. They are from Middle-Earth. Our dear beloved former headmaster, Albus Dumbledore has a cousin from Middle-Earth, he will soon tell you more about their kind. Now, lets welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Delacour," McGonagall said. 

Ladies wearing light blue, walked in elegantly. They did a special greeting thing, that made all the boys eyes go pop. A Lady wearing a one shoulder blue dress with heels walked int . That was the Headmistress and Lily's aunt. 

"Lily that's your Aunt Fleur," I heard Katie whisper

"I know," Lily said. Her aunt was pretty. Very pretty. They did a simple performance of ballet and gymnastics. Everybody clapped, boys wolf whistled. "And now our friends from the north. Please welcome the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Viktor Krum," every one's head turned to the door.

The Durmstang boys came in hitting their stick like things on the grounds making burn marks. Many girls swooned over them. I could see the boys getting jealous. They sprinted and did many extraordinary tricks. Their high master and his son, Roger Krum walked in. One spits fire out and made a beautiful Phoenix. Viktor and McGonagall gave their greetings. "And now.. the moment we all been waiting for.. our friends from a parallel world, please welcome The Elves of Middle-Earth, their Prince and Professor Dumbledore's long-distance cousin, Gandalf the Grey," McGonagall said.

A group of elves walked in they carried bows and arrows. They did amazing, unbelievable, super amazing tricks. Girls were swooning and the boys stared in awe. By the way they look like Greek Gods. A wizard walked in with another elf, the elf had a leaf crown, he's the prince. Holy sweet pumpkin pies! Gandalf looks like Dumbledore. (A/N: That's what I thought when I first watched Lord of The Rings :P) 

We all cheered. I've never seen such performance in my life! Like seriously though the best I've seen was One Direction performing on stage. Katie dragged Lily and me to the concert. She's a cray cray directioner. I'm just joking but she is a die hard directioner.

"Welcome, friends, I welcome you all to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As you know, Madame Delacour and Professor Krum was once former competitors," McGonagall said. Four men came in with a huge trophy like thing. The Goblet of Fire. There were murmurs, "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what await the students who wins the Triwizard Competition. But to do this, the students must survive three extremely dangerous task. With the elves it'll become more challenging. The Ministry has impose a new rule. To explain this, I would like to invite Mr. Terrance J'Dros, the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. J'Dros," McGonagall said.

"After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final! Moreover, this year's competition is going to be a little different. 3 students from each school will team up for the tasks as this year's task will be more advanced,"  Mr. J'Dros said. There were boos and yays. I looked over to Lily and Katie. They smirked.

McGonagall waved her wand. An eerie silence took over. The Goblet of Fire was revealed. A blue fire rose from the goblet. We all stared in awe. "The Goblet of Fire. The ones who wish to submit their names will only need to write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen , there is no turning back. As from this moment , the Triwizard Tournament has begun," McGonagall said.

* * * * *

"You three have to put your names in the goblet," Sammuel said

"Yeah... Alex is agile, fast and skillful. Lily is talented and intelligent. Katie is like a fox she can sneak pass anything," Perrie said.

Those words tempted us. We also wanted eternal glory, moreover its our last year. Might as well put it in the goblet.

* * * * * *

Today was the day we put our names in the Goblet of Fire, many people were gathering around the goblet. The elves were there too. The ones who wished to compete put their name in the goblet.

"Put it in, put it in!" some Gryffindors cheered. "Alex! Alex! Alex!" they began chanting. I cross the age line and dropped my name in the goblet. Lily and Katie did too. Some Hogwarts students began cheering and applauding. A Hufflepuff walked into the circle and put his name in. "Danny! Danny! Danny!" some Ravenclaws cheered. A shaggy hair boy put his name in. Some of his friends tackled him down. We laughed.

Legolas' P. O. V.

We're on a very strange place where people use words we don't. After years of grieving upon Alex, I finally found her. She's different. She's more beautiful than ever. I stared at her. She didn't realize it. The 'Hogwarts' students put their names in the goblet. People cheered. Suddenly, there was a defeaning silence, Roger Krum walked in. He put his name in the goblet. He winked at Alex. Her cheeks turned pink. I felt jealous. She's mine.

Alex has certainly grown more beautiful over the years. Her long brown hair was more silky, her brown eyes were brighter, she had the right curves in all places. Of course any boy would like her but I need to get her back. I love her. No matter what, I'll get her back.


Sorry if its too short , I'll try my best to make it longer and more interesting on the next chapters :) Sorry for grammar mistakes too.


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