Chapter 23

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Alex's P. O. V.

I walked past Katie, slipping my hand into her pocket. I pulled out a small bottle.  Polyjuice Potion.

I ran back to Lily.

"Did you get it?" She asked.


I pulled the cap open. Lily took out two cups out. I poured the Polyjuice Potion in.

"How do we identify both of you?" Professor McGonagall asked.

A sword slid out from my right sleeve.

"Got it. I wish both of you the best of luck. There'd be elves walking about to note me about your whereabouts."

"Cheers?" I said.

"Cheers." Lily said disgusted.

We drank the potion. It tasted horrible. It's like a mixture of rotten eggs and rubber. Dear god... help me. I wanted to throw up. I looked at the window, which showed my reflection.

Holy guacamole...

I'm Katie. I looked at Lily. She's Katie too.

"Good luck, girls." Gandalf said.

We nodded and went our separate ways. Our plan was to push the imposter to her limits until she gets scared and lead us to the real Katie.

All we had to do is wander about.

I decided to walk to the Great Hall.

I took left and right turns, up and down stairs. I spotted the imposter. How do I know it's not Katie? Well, both of us are wearing the same ripped uniform. And the imposter is wearing pink sweater and super colorful pants.

"Hey! You!" I screamed. The imposter looked terrified.

"How dare you impersonate me?" I said 'angrily'.

"W-w-what a-are you tal-talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

"What?! You're impersonating me. I'll get my two ferrets to prove it."

Ferrets? Seriously?

"What in the name of Merlin are you talking about?! I have only one ferret!"

She backed away and ran. I've got her now. I followed her behind.

"You!" I heard a voice say. Lily.

"H-how is this possible?" The imposter said.

"You have not seen my dark side. No one impersonates me!"

"But I-I-" the imposter ran. I walked over to Lily. We grinned. Mission accomplished.

"Let's follow her." I said.

We ran after her.

Left and right turns. Ups and downs. Through doors. Until we reached... the Forbidden Room. Lily pushed open the door.

It was dark, dirty, dusty and it wreaked of decayed wood and small animals. There were cobwebs everywhere. Both of us took our wands out.

"Lumos." We whispered.

I let my sword slide out from my sleeve.

"What? What is the meaning of this?" The imposter's voice echoed through the hall.

We walked to the imposter. She turned around and lunged at us. I dodged. Standing up again, I pushed her. Her back hit the dusty wall. I pointed my knife at her, also pointing my wand at her. Katie also pointed the wand at her.

"Don't bother," I said as she grabbed the blade of my sword.

"Ah..." she wailed. There was a burn mark on her palm after touching my sword.

McGonagall, Gandalf, Legolas, my father and brothers rushed in. I looked at Lily, she looked like a normal self again. That means I looked like my normal self.

"Help me! Please. These two has gone insane!"

"My butt," Lily said.

"By the way how are we insane Dalena?" I asked.

"What- How did you know?"

"The potion wore off..."

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