Chapter 32

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Alex's P. O. V.

Every time I close my eyes, a dark vision flashes before my eyes, like a nightmare.

I see, Hogwarts crumbling to pieces. Orcs feasting on human and elf flesh. Sterling's head on the trophy shelf. All the good in the world controlled by evil. Middle-Earth falling. Hobbits, elves, men, and beautiful creatures falling into the Darkness.

I felt a sharp pain at my chest. I saw a raven haired girl, screaming in pain.


She died this way. A sword through her heart. I felt her pain.

"What did you say about your friends finding you? Oh, wait. They can't and they won't because you're dead. It will take then ages. But then again, you're best friends with Alex, it wouldn't take her long to notice your disappearance. She'll probably even find out that Dalena's impersonating you."

Alaya ripped the sword out of Katie's chest.

I shot up, gasping for air.

"Alex? Are you alright?" Legolas asked.


"What's wrong?"

"I just saw how my best friend died. I don't want to close my eyes anymore."

"Oh... Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okay. So what do you want to do now?"

"Maybe train or something, I don't know."

"Okay, let's go train."

"What? No. Legolas you don't have to follow me, just sleep."

"But I want to," he wrapped his arms around my waist, "Please?"


I got up and dressed into something comfortable. Once we both were done, we snuck out to the archery range.

I stopped walking, I got a feeling that something's not right here. I pulled out an arrow and raised my bow. Legolas looked at me, he was on his guard too.

"You feel it too?" I asked.

"Yes. There's something else here. Something dark."

"I agree."

"Hurry up, maggots!" a deep voice said from a distance. I looked over to the Dark Forest. I saw a dim light.

"Alex, let's go," Legolas whispered. We ran into the forest and swung onto trees to have a better view. It also helped us to blend in with the night.

"Quicker! We don't want to upset our queen! Faster you maggots! We have to kill them all before the sun rises!" an orc commander said whilst whipping the orc warriors. There's at least a hundred thousand orcs heading towards Hogwarts. I knew there were more. We were definitely outnumbered.

"They mean to kill us in our sleep. We've got to warn the others!" I whispered loud enough for Legolas to hear.

Legolas nodded. We swung back to the trees at the entrance of the forest. We jumped down and ran at full speed towards the elven guards who were patrolling the halls near the archery range.

"Raise the alarm, there's an army of orcs on their way to kill us!" Legolas commanded.

"Accio Firebolt 2000!" I said raising my wand. Within seconds, my broomstick flew into my hands, "Legolas, I'm going to wake and warn the students in Gryffindor. Ask your men to wake and warn the students in the other three houses. I won't have enough time yo go yo all for houses."

"Alright. Be careful."

"I'll meet you on the fields."

I mounted the broomstick and took off to Gryffindor Tower. The moment The Fat Lady let me in the tower, I flew into the 6th floor of the girls dormitory.

I got off the broomstick and drew my wand out, "Lumos Maxima," I said.

"Get up! All of you!" I said. Some of them groaned.

"Turn the lights off!"

"Let me sleep!"

"It's so early!"

"5 more minutes!"

"Alex? What's wrong? It's so early," Lily said rubbing her eyes. The big wave of orcs could be seen from here.

"Turn around."

Lily's jaw dropped, "Get up! Now!" She screamed.

"If you value your life, I suggest you get out of bed," I said in a sort of troubled but yet calm voice.

I caught a sight of an arrow. It was flying towards my direction. I pushed Lily out of the way as the tip of the arrow touched the fragile piece of glass. The window shattered. I moved my hand up and caught the arrow. The arrow was less than a centimeter away from the bridge of my nose. 

"Get down!" I commanded.

At least fifteen more arrows flew in. The girls started screaming.

"Stay down..." I whispered, "Be on your guard, protect yourselves. I'll be back. Lily, take charge."

She nodded. I crawled out of the room and ran down to the fifth floor. I opened the door.

"What's happening?"

"We heard screams!"

"Someone tell me what's going on."

I was bombarded with questions.

"Listen! All of you take your wands out and get down. What ever you do don't scream, don't switch the lights on, and do not get up. If you want to survive this madness do as I say. You all need to protect yourselves from the danger that's coming," I said.

"What's going to happen to us?" A blonde asked.

"I don't know, but all I know is that there is at least a hundred thousand deadly creatures out there. They're coming for us. All of us," I said. The room went silent. I left.

I went to the remaining floors and told them the exact thing I told the girls on the fifth floor. I guided the younger students up to the fifth and sixth floor. I did the same to all the boys in the six floors.

"When you hear fighting, don't come out of your room. Be brave when you see inhuman things with weapons walk into the room. Take your wands out and fight, protect yourselves. I will not be here, I'll be out there. Good luck," I said.

I went back to the girls dormitory and told them the same thing.

" When you hear fighting, don't come out of your room. Be brave when you see inhuman things with weapons walk into the room. Take your wands out and fight, protect yourselves. I will not be he--"

The ground began to rumble, a boom followed behind. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"They're here..." I said.








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