Chapter 33

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Alex's P. O. V.

"Find them all and kill them!" A voice hissed. I hid behind a wall. I pulled and arrow out and place it on the bow. In a swift move, I shot the arrow. The orc wailed.

"Who did that?"

I took out another arrow and shot another orc. Arrow by arrow, I took out 12 more orcs.

"An elf! Find him!" an orc hissed, "Kill him!"

I looked to the ground. I could see shadows extending. They were near. Since I had limited amount of arrows, I pulled out two knives. The knives were attached to my quiver when it's not in use.

These knives were a little less than two feet in length and were both held by seven-inch long handles. They were curved in the symbolic shape of a living shoot; and their blades were made from the finest steel in Rivendell and engraved with a fine pattern of vines and scrollwork. They were honed on the downward side, giving an edge when fighting.

The orcs were nearer. With no hesitation, I jumped out of my corner, beheading two orcs.

"Kill her!" the orc commander hissed.

Hundreds of them charged towards me. One against a hundred. How am I not surprised?

I turned a 180° and stabbed an orc. I swung my left hand back, my knife ripped came in contact with an orc's gut. An unpleasant sight but this is survival. I beheaded the orc in front of me, stabbed the orc's jugular on my right, stabbed the orc's face on my left and beheaded the orc behind me. This could take awhile.

More orcs just kept coming. I knew I can't hold the wave for long. I needed help.

My back hit the hardwood floor. An orc swung it's axe down, I blocked the attack with my knives. I kneed the orcs balls and pushed myself up. I plunged a knife into the orc's back. I was exhausted.


I looked back, "Lily! Get away from here! Get back in!" I screamed blocking another attack.


"Lily! This isn't the time to argue!"

"Petrificus Totalum!"

An orc froze. The orc had a dagger on one hand raised, it wanted to stab me.

"Need my help now?" Lily said.

"Fine. But be careful! I'm not going to be responsible for your death. It's your choice to come out here!" I warned.

"You mean our choices," a boy said. A whole group of students stood behind Lily with bravery.

No time to stare. My knives came in contact with an orc's axe. I kicked its stomach and swung my hands backwards, killing another orc. While I was busy plunging knives into the orcs, the students were casting body-bind spells on the other orcs.

Within an hour, orcs laid dead or petrified on the floor. Those orcs who were petrified were tied up.

"I want to thank you all for helping me out there. I don't think I could have survived if Lily hadn't brought the courage out of you guys. Nobody's hurt right?" I said. They all shook their heads. Lily walked up to me.

"This is what friends are for. You'd risk your life to protect us and if you died out there it wouldn't be fair to you and us. We are Gryffindors anyway, brave and bold, not cowardly teens. Once a Gryffindor, always a Gryffindor," Lily said.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"No problem, buddy."

"Ahem... Not to ruin the moment but what do we do now?" a girl asked.

I pulled away, "Now we get out of here. We need to get to the Great Hall. Headmistress McGonagall and the rest of the students and elves are going there," I said. Lily handed me my wand. I picked my bow up and put my knives back into the quiver.

"I don't know what's out there. We might need to fight more orcs. For your own safety, I suggest getting your wands ready for battle once more," I said. They did as I say.

"Let's go," I started to walk out of the room. The halls were dim. I lead the path down to the Great Hall.

We were halfway there. My elf senses started to tingle. Someone was here. I raised my hand up signaling them to stop.

I pulled out and arrow. With no warning, I shot the arrow.

"What? Did you hit som-" I shushed Lily up.

"Why did you do that?" a male said. I sighed in relief.

"Ada, I thought you were an orc," I said.

"If I was an orc, you'd probably be dead," ada said.

"Oh. Come on guys, let's keep going," I continued to walk. I noticed something. My father was not equipped with any weapons. He was not in his battle suit too.

"Ada, why are you not in your battle suit?" I asked.

"Hm? There was a battle?"

"Uh... yes? Did you not know?"

"It was just a drill because there were no attacks."

I froze, "What?"

"I said it was just a dr--"

"How is that possible? We were attacked! Me and my friends. Students in Gryffindor were attacked!"

"What? You all were attacked?"

"Yes," I slung my bow across my back and pulled out the knives. It was still covered in orc blood, "Proof."

My father touched the thick liquid. He rubbed the liquid in between his thumb and index finger, "That's strange. How many were there?"


My father's face turned pale,"Hurry. Get the students to safety as fast as you can."

"Ada, what did you see? What does this mean?"

"She didn't send them there for no reason. She could haven sent them to kill us all but no, she sent them to the Gryffindor Tower--"

"-- to lure us out. It's a trap." I continued.








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