Chapter 16

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We sat across from each other silently staring. Neither of us spoke, wondering who would talk first.

"How is she?" His deep voice rang our first, breaking the tension.

"Alma is fine. Healthy." I answered,

His eyes sparked at the name and the corner of his mouth twitched the slightest.

"Alma... why that name?" He asked,

I shrugged and leaned back, rubbing my stomach.

"A client of mine. She was a historian and spoke a bit of latin. She told me that Alma meant soul in latin. I liked the sound and meaning of it so I chose that. I feel that it somehow suits her. Afterall, I am giving her part of my soul." I explained, smiling at the memory.

"I wish I was there, with you. This has been the first in months that I've seen you. You're on the media and everything, but it's not the same." He sighed, leaning forward.

I frowned and shook my head.

"And who's fault is that? Who was the one that drove me to make such drastic decisions? I tried so hard for you, Andruis. I looked past your mistakes and the times you hadn't shown up, but that time. That one time when it's was extremely important for us, for our child you didn't show. I simply couldn't forgive you." I said, the feelings of that time washing over me.

His head hung low in shame and disappointment, but I took no mind to it.

"Azmarie, I'm sorry about that. I regret everything that I've done to you and I want us to be together. These past few months have been pure hell for me." He said with a pained tone.

"Really? Has it? Because as I remembered the last time that we spoke, you said that there were many women who'd want to sleep with you." I spat out angrily.

Andruis remained silent for a moment before looking up.

"I lied about that. Despite that there are many women, the only one who'd do for me is you. I had some witches work on a drink that would keep me energized and strong and I used my powers as few as possible. I've weakened tremendously." He stated,

"So tell me... what do you hope to gain by this meeting?" I asked,

"I want you back. I want to be in your life and I want to be there for our Alma. She's grows closer to being born and I want to be there for her. I can already sense her powers dwelling within her." He said,

"Powers. I haven't felt anything unusual." I stated, sitting up.

"I'm her father and hold the same powers so I can sense them." He shook his head.

"Well, I'm her mother and I'm carrying her and supporting her." I angrily snapped,

"It's nothing to get upset about. Anyways, the warding is finally down and even though you may not accept me entirely, I want to be back in your lives and this time I'll be sure not to screw up." He asked,

I bit my lip not saying anything for a while as I thought it over. Do I really want Andruis back into my life after everything he put me through?

Alma is his daughter and he atleast deserves to be there when she enters this world.

"You have to call me everytime you want to see us. Depending how I'm feeling, I'll either accept or decline. Recently I've been going more often to the doctor and you'll go to every one of them. If you so much as miss an appointment this agreement will be thrown off the table and I'll put a permanent warding against you.

I'll accept you back into my life only because you're Alma's father, but as for being my so called fiancée, I won't. After Alma is born I'm moving to Paris, but if you screw up, I'll leave for Japan with our child. I hear that Japan is currently prospering as a country right now. I'm sure with my reputation it'll be easy to open an office there and raise Alma." I went down on my plans as he silently listened.

"I also have my conditions." He stated once I was done.

"If I don't screw up and I won't. You and Alma move to Paris, but on my terms. You won't leave me and I get to teach Alma how to embrace her powers as the offspring of an Incubus King." He stated simply,

I nodded my head just as the waiter walked over and set our meal plates.

"Let's see if you'll keep your promise this time." I dejectedly stated as I began to eat.

Andruis scoffed and shook his head.

"Alma isn't the only thing I'm after. Don't think for a second that I've given up on us. You're my Queen Azmarie, that's something that will never change." He boldly stated,

"Well see, Andruis." I snorted, shaking my head.

"I'll have you back." He muttered, a look of certainty in his eyes.

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