Chapter 19

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"This is beautiful." Charli gasped as she ran her hand through the material.

I smirked proudly as I sat in her house in Los Angeles. Andruis teleported me since he said he didn't want me flying planes while pregnant and so big. Charli didn't have a clue about the supernatural life so popped up surprised. While pregnant I was naturally tired so that was good.

We were discussing a dress I bought a while back while in Milan. The dress had to be at least 5 years old, maybe more. After digging through boxes in my storage unit, Maddison and I managed to find it.

"Auntie!" Jonah yelled as he ran over and landed on the couch beside me.

"You're so fat!" He exclaimed staring at me stomach.

"Hey!" I pouted and he laughed, rolling around.

Jonah was Charli's 5 year old son and he was the splitting image of her with curly dark hair, light brown eyes, and maple-like complexion.

I ruffled his hair and played with him, Charli shaking her head at us.

"Auntie, how long are you staying?" Jonah asked,

"Umm, until tomorrow I guess." I stated,

"Great! Maybe Luca will stop by!" He said and Charli choked on nothing a few feet away.

I narrowed my eyes at her and she refused to meet my gaze, hiding her face behind the dress.

"Who is Luca?" I asked,

"Mommy's boyfriend." Jonah blatantly stated,

"He is not!" Charli exclaimed, jumping to her feet.

"Ok, acting like that is basically telling me the truth, Char." I blanked stated, using her nickname that I gave her.

She groaned, shaking her head as she walked to the kitchen. I got up with a bit of struggle of course and followed her. I silently watched as she pulled out a gallon of orange juice.

"I cannot believe you, the ultraserious and stuck up woman like you has a boyfriend, but I can't say that I don't see the difference." I stated, laying my chin on my hand as I leaned against the center island of the kitchen.

She sighed and leaned against the counter for a moment.

"He's like no other man, Az... He's sweet, caring, compassionate, and he really cares about the both of us. There are times I doubt our entire relationship, but then he just embraces me and I forget all my doubts. He's been my anchor these past few days." She sighed, dozing off for a bit.

I smiled softly, happy to see that my good friend can now freely say words like that and have a bitter expression. She was married before to some asshole named Micheal for I don't know how long and he cheated on her, left her for the woman, and now I had a child with the woman. That deeply bruised Charli and she was stoic for a long time. It was a great relief to see such a lovey-dovey expression on her face as she thought of this so famous "Luca".

"Ok, pour me a cup and let's finish this work." I stated and she snapped out of it.

I walked back into the kitchen and pulled Jonah into my arms as I continued to play with him.


"Are you sure this is fine?" Charli asked for the tenth time and I groaned.

"Would you shut up already, asking the same question over and over again." I stated as I helped Jonah packed his bag.

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