The beginning

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-Vendicio Italy

My birthday just past and i was now 23 no husband or boyfriend still single no children and I lived at home with my parents. I come from a royal background no I'm not a princess but my cousin is well actually as of last year she is a queen married to some royal king out in somewhere in France oh how she loved to rub it in my face that she got to live near Paris and enjoy her french blood . She said that the blood was sweeter there . I hated her alot cause she lived this happy fairy tale and i didn't . I tried what other vampires do and fall in love with humans . Didn't work out that well. His name was Anthony Richenzo. He was 6'2 had these beautiful blue eyes with yellow in the outer part of his pupil his body was muscular for a 19 year old. He dressed well he loved his t-shirts that hugged around his body and his khaki shorts . Oh how he was cute but when it came down to it i didn't love him an ounce he would bore me to death with his stories all the time. UGH! And when i decided to tell him im a vampire his reactions was priceless.

Tony i have something to tell you

yeah? what is it babe? He looked at me with his beautiful eyes.

I'm a vampire! i nearly shouted it at him. I was hoping that he would go running for the hills but he didn't instead he did this!

So your like a female Dracula! awesome babe that means you will never get fat and want to party all night! He said this while being dead serious.

Then at that moment I realized i was done with humans . Specially this one. When i broke up with i decided to erase the part about me being a vampire from his memory. After that i stayed away from human civilization and stayed with in my kinds own parts of civilization. My mom wasn't to happy about the fact that i still haven't married yet ! She would tell me almost every day be more like your cousin marry a nice vampire. I loved my mom dearly but my words back to her was the truth in my opion.

Mom all the vampire guys are either married , engaged , or in love with some human . Besides I really had no interest in my kind .

my mothers face fell.

Lynsey darling who the heck else are you going to marry sheesh if you wait any longer your father and i will be dead and never met our grand kids. she was practically yelling this at me.

Mom your be dramatic your 100 years old and you still look like your 25. i said with a smile. Vampires age but it takes thousands of years for you to actual look the age of a regular human. But when we are born we age like humans til we hit in human years 25 then we stay the same til in vampire years we start to age . Its hard to explain. in the midst of my mothers conversation my cell phone rang. i pushed the decline button cause it was my best friend Katie and my mother looked furious was i was about to click the answer button so i shot her a text saying

cant talk right now.

After that one text came a bunch more.

Omg u need to call me ASAP! >:(

What happened now Katie?

He dumped me that stupid human for that one girl Trish just cause she has long beautiful hair!

I sat there an imaged my best friend crying over some dweebie looking human guy . Katie was beautiful vampire she had red hair tight curly hair and blond streaks going threw her hair that came down to her elbows. She had vibrant green eyes that had bright blue on the outer part of her eye. She was petite. She dressed in tight fitting shirts and jeans to show off her slender figure. I on the other hand looked different from her. I have long black wavy hair with chestnut brown streaks that goes all the way down to my butt. I'm curvy and had a flat stomach. I have piercing blue eyes that have a warm tint of gold around my pupil . I wore lots of v neck shirts and tight skinny jeans with a cute pair of flats with a cute necklace all the time to show off my curves. I always thought my butt and boobs were the perfect size for my body. As i sat there imagining her my phone rang again. i look down to read the text all while ingoring my mother rant on about how i need a man . while my dad and 16 year old brother watch TV. Hmm i sighed heavily wishing i could be doing what their doing instead.

Can we get away for the weekend? Katie wrote me.

sure where do you have in mind as long as i get away from my mother and her need for me to get a hubby. I laughed at the text cause deep down i knew Mr. right was no longer out there for me.

Sure! :) lets got to my parent apartment in New york city

I was first i was sad to say yes but then my mom grabbed my phone and saw the text and she started smiling and threw the phone back at me and with her vampire speed she went up stairs and packed my bags gave me some money and kicked me out the house without a single word.

I texted Katie back.

Lets go now ill be at your house in 5mins. i walked to my 2007 Volkswagen convertible yellow beetle . It was a present from my dads brother who is king of our town. Good old uncle Tommy ! i said with a smile and hopped in my car and started my engine it roared with life put the car into drive and i was off to my best friends house . As soon as i arrived Katie was all happy it seemed. But she lived with her parents to but they didn't really care if she got married cause she has 3 sisters and 2 bothers her parent had lots of grand kids.To be exact they had 12. So they weren't pressuring Katie to have kids anytime soon as long as she was in love and happy.

Hey so we can take my family jet to new york . i told her with a smile on my face but deep down i was a little scared cause i wasn't sure what Katie had planned for us there.

Katie perked up quickly and said with a smile okay lets hit the road then . She threw her bags into the trunk. And we zoomed off to the local airport in human civilization. As we boarded the jumbo jet my family owned . My phone rang. It was my cousin Robbi the one i told you about early yeah ! Hate her! I answered the phone little did i know i really wish i didn't . She was screaming into the phone ! I panicked !

I yelled into the phone Robbi whats wrong !? are you hurt?? Katie was looking at me now with worry on her face . when we were little kids we would all play together me Robbi and Katie . We were like the three musketeers inseparable.

Robbi answer me stop screaming and tell me whats wrong! i shouted .

I'm Pregnant! Robbi said cheerfully and sounded like she was choking back tears.

Great just rub it in my face! i thought but didn't say it out loud to anyone but Katie could see that it was written all over my face.

Congratulations! how far along are you ? i didn't really want to hear the answer cause i truly didn't care i was to jealous.

I'm three months in human terms and in vampire I'm 1 month

With vampires everything is quicker. so she is in the beginning of her pregnancy and she would be a mom in 5 months and in three weeks she finds out the gender . Whoopee freaking doe!

She said had to go she wanted to tall me the news first she was gonna go tell the rest of our family . Great! i asked her to tell my mom last she laughed at me .

Oh lyn (that's her stupid nickname for me) you should seriously find a man and settle down already your getting old as dust my dear. she said with a laugh and we said our goodbyes and she hung up . Steam was coming out of my head . Man i hated that girl with all my heart some times ! ugh! shes so stupid . when i finally heard a lady clear her throat did i realize it was the flight attendant offering me if i would lick a glass of ab+ blood. i smiled at this beautiful women she was Hispanic and had long straight brown hair wearing my family's crest on her suit . It was their uniforms so they would look like an actual airline attendant. I looked over my shoulder to see Katie is over in the front of the plane watching some movie. I let out a deep sigh and waited for my drink the lady handed me it and i said my thank yous and she scurried back to the little kitchen area. As i finished the last sips of my drink i put the glass down and fell asleep.

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