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Lynsey pov

As I dressed I thought of Ryder rubbing my back while giving my neck sweet kisses. With that thought I broke away from the mirror with freshly falling tears sliding their way down my cheeks. I wiped away the evidence of me crying and straighten up and walked out of my bedroom . The prince was sitting on my couch lazily watching some stupid human show. I cleared my throat . " I'm ready to go" I said with a twinge of fake happiness. The prince turned his head my way and smiled and stood up from the couch. He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets of his gray suit. As he finally reached me he leaned forward and kissed my cheek . " You look stunning my dear " he said with as much charm as he could lace in a single sentence. If I cared I would of blushed , smiled , or something . But I truly didn't feel a thing for this man. He would never be my sexy Ryder . "Thank you " I told him politely. As I walked forward to leave the prince put his hand above my rear end and this touch was not welcomed at all. It made me miss my mate more. But he doesn't want anything to do with me. He believes I have slept with another when I have given Ryder my virginity. How could he think so little of me. I was on the verge of tears again when I finally had to stop myself. I can not be weak like this. I am a mother! I must be strong. My babies will know what it means to be loved.


So here's a tiny something ! Sorry I haven't posted but great news ! I'm pregnant !!!!! :) And I'm editing chapter cause they need it.

xoxo sincerely your mateWhere stories live. Discover now